56. Free

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Walking with two guards in the front and back of me through the prison with my hands and feet cuffed. I glared at anyone who dared to look at me as I passed their cells. Wondering why in the fuck! I would be summoned to the Warden's office this late at night?

Once the guards opened the warden's door they ushered me into the chair with the warden himself sitting behind his desk. The guards took a large empty box out with them as they left, leaving the warden and I alone.

I sat there glaring, waiting for him to speak, but he just sat there with a smirk on his face.

" I bet your wondering why your in my office so late, aren't ya! Well, you'll be finding out soon enough" he said.

Not even five minutes later a man in an Armani suit and a young girl came walking through the door.

Who the hell are they?

"Good evening warden" the girl said with the man standing guard behind her.

" Good evening Ms, I presume you have the paperwork?" He asked

" Yes I do" she said handing him a yellow envelope.

What the hell is going on here?

Once the warden looked through the paperwork, he seemed satisfied with it and buzzed for a guard.

Not even a minute later a guard came through the door "You buzzed sir?" The guard asked.

" Yes, uncuff him and go see if the other guards have finished packing his stuff" the warden said to the guard pointing at me.

" What the hell is going on here!?" I finally asked aloud, as I was being uncuffed.

" As of now your a free man Mr Zest Weston" the warden said.

Holy Shit!

" What!?" I asked shocked as to what he just said, not sure if I had heard him right.

" Is this some kind of fucked up joke?" I asked once I was over my shock.

" No, it's not a joke! You're a free man, thanks to this lady" he said seriously, nodded in the young girls direction "The guards are packing your things as we speak" the warden said.

Why in the hell! Would this girl have me freed?

She has never seen or met me. I hope I can get some answers from this woman, because now, I feel like I will owe her my life.

Just as I was about to speak, the guards came back in with the box packed.

" You ready?" The girl asked looking at me.

Well! If this isn't joke I'm outta here? But what's the catch?

" Yes" I said still not feeling like this is real or if I was dreaming.

Once we were getting closer to the exit, I was feeling nervous, I didn't think this day would ever come. But here I was walking out the front doors.

Man! This feels fucking great!

Snapping out of my thoughts when the girl stopped next to a black Lamborghini.


" I'm sure you have many questions but let's get the hell out of here first" she said opening the hood of her car so I could put my box in there.

Once we got into her car, I felt weird just being in a vehicle after so many years.

" If you're wondering, my name is Lily" she said as she backed out of the parking lot speeding down the road.

Lily? Where have I heard that name?

Ahh! Beast; my twin, I remember now " Your Jack's daughter, the girl that Beast was talking about, you gave the pictures didn't you?" I asked

" Yes, that's right" she said reaching for something behind the seat.

" Here, I think you might like this" she said showing me Corona's

Hells, yeah!

" Yes, thank you " I said taking them from her " can I ask why and how you got me out?"

" Well, first I did because I know you don't belong in there. Viper paid off the last judge to give you that many years. So, I paid a good amount to get you out, those were your release papers that I gave the warden. No one at Jack's club knows anything about you being out yet, I want it to be a surprise for when you show up. I'm also doing this for my father and mostly Beast. They both came to save me twice but Beast got shot once the first time to save me from getting taken by Viper's men and his son. The second time I was takin, Damien got left behind saving me and is now going to prison. I just think I've been bringing to much trouble like my mother did. Now I'm taking off so I don't keep giving Jack anymore problems. The second reason I got you out, is Viper got away and is still after me. I thought you might want to help Jack go after him and get a little revenge on him because he got you a 20 year wrongful sentence " she finished saying.

After I processed what she said after a few minutes I agreed " hells yeah I want revenge on that son of bitch! But how can I ever repay you for getting me free?" I asked

" You just being there for Beast and Jack is enough for me. To have their backs as family and get some revenge. I got Damien into trouble and I want to start making up for that. What better way than to start with you? Oh! And if you can, give Jason a hard time if he brings chick's into my tattoo shop that aren't getting inked." She said

" I can do that" I tell her, it's the least I could do.

" Thanks, and one more thing. Can you give Jack that bag and the 5 envelopes on top that are sitting by your leg?" She asked

" Sure" I said as she slowed down pulling over at the corner of the street.

As I was looking around, I realized it was the corner before you turned down the street to the club.

Damn! Things have changed

It was dark out but I could still see from the moon's glow.

" It was great meeting you Zest, I hope I'll see you again " she said as she opened the hood of the car.

" You can take the rest of the beers with you, I don't drink" she said as she opened up her door.

Opening the door and getting out as well, I picked up the envelopes and the bag.

damn! That's a heavy bag

After I put the beers in my box and the letters and the bag on top of it, a car pulled up next to us.

I realized it was the man that came with Lily to the prison.

" Hey, Taz do you think you can drive Zest down to the club and drop him off real quick?" Lily asked the guy.

" Sure, I can do that" he said

" Hey; Zest, this is my guard Taz, Taz this Zest" she said introducing us.

" Nice to meet you" he said

" You too" I say

After Lily and I said our goodbyes again I got into his car with my things excited to see my twin brother and family again outside of prison.

Once I got out of the car and said thanks to Taz for the ride, he headed off down the road.

It was pretty quiet out, but it's expected for being this late out at night I thought as I looked up at the stars.

I'm finally free!

Taking a deep breath I walked to the club and banged on the door.

Opening the door was none other than my twin, when he got a good look at me he looked shocked as hell!


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