55. Letters

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Once we left the Condo this morning I had Taz take me to the bank to fill out papers so I could do auto pay for the shop without having to be there. I also withdrew a hundred grand which took all... day because I thought it might come in handy for me to stash some cash if I ever needed it, and also I think Jack could use some for Damien, his club, my tattoo shop if it needed or for anything else that could help to find Viper while I'm gone.

It was night time by the time Taz pulled up to the storage unit in the warehouse. I got out and unlocked the pad before I lifted the door. Walking inside I pulled the cover from my Lamborghini.

Oh...how I missed it so... much! I thought as the door lifted so I could get in and start it.

After backing out of the unit I got everything out of Taz's car and placed in mine. When I was finished I looked over to Taz. He looked about Felix's age and wore almost the same kind of black Armani suit. He was way to quiet and only spoke if necessary or if I asked something. The only thing he's said so far was he would be staying out of sight and show himself if he thought it was needed or if I asked. I of course said that it was fine.

" I will be going through the dessert to get to the Phoenix Arizona prison to pick up Zest, then drop him off on the corner near my father's club. Then we can head to my new place" I said to him.

" Sounds like a plan, Valentini called the warden, so he should be expecting us. " he said.

" First I want to write some letters before we leave here, it might take a while" I say setting back down in the driver's seat of my car.

" Alright, I'll follow when your ready" Taz said before getting back into his own car.

Reaching over to the passengers seat I got the envelopes, notebook and pen I brought.

Taping the pen for a few minutes, I thought it would be a good idea to write Hanna and Jason about the shop first, then Jack, Beast and Damien.

~ Hey, Hanna ~

I'll be gone for a while, but don't worry you'll still have your job as long as you want it. I have auto pay so your checks and the shop supplies will arrive every week on time. I'll have Jack, or Jason to look over the shop while I'm gone.

P.S. You have a right to kick out women and yell at Jason if he ever brings any to the shop that aren't getting inked.

Tell little Zach I said "Hi"

Xoxo, Lily

After I finished her letter I put it in the envelope and started on Jason's

~Hey, Jason ~

Sorry, for leaving so soon, but I needed to, If it's not to much trouble I'd like you to look over the shop for me while I'm gone. As I told Hanna, I have auto pay, so your checks and shop supplies will arrive every week on time. If you have questions or concerns ask Jack and I'm sure he can take care of it for me. Thanks,

P.S. Behave in my shop and take care of my PS4. I'll ask Beast to check in on you and I said Hanna could kick women out that don't belong.

Xoxo, Lily

Stay safe

Now that I got those two done, I'm sure Beast would like to know why I got his brother out when he shows up.

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