23. Women's night

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Beth and I walked into the club headed over to the bar taking a seat. Looking around at my surroundings there were some women around talking and a few men in a far corner where Jack was sitting the last time I came in. They were talking among themselves and unfortunately Thomas was one of them.

I hope he doesn't notice or talk to me.

Then I caught the eyes of a skank glaring at me on the other side of the counter bar. When Beth noticed where I was looking she glanced over at the woman.

"Hey Sabrina, I would like a Martini, and what would you like Lily?" Beth asked.

"Just a water would be fine, thanks" I say answering Beth.

"What's her problem?" I ask after Sabrina walked away.

"She's the big sister of one of the girls you fought the other day and is pissed that Jack had banned them from the club. To be honest I'm glad their gone. Those whore's were up to no good anyways. The only reason Jack let them hang around was for the single men's entertainment."

"Ah!, So what do the rest of the women think of me?" I ask.

"Well, if you haven't guessed. I'm dating Jack and I knew a woman must've broken his heart. He's never talked about it and I had always felt he was waiting for her to come back. That's why I think he's never asked me to be his old lady. When you showed up I was upset at first thinking that the woman he loved had came back."

She stopped talking and waited for Sabrina to give us our drinks and walk away before she continued.

"When I seen how upset Jack was about her passing. I felt guilty for being upset. I'm sorry for that by the way and for your mother's passing." She said apologizing.

" It's alright" I say forgiving her, seeing she was being sincere about it.

"I will never try to take your mother's place. I just wanted to say I'll be here for you if you ever need me. I can't have kids and I love Jack. I will do anything for him and for you if you give me a chance?" She asked.

" Yeah, I can do that "  After all you have to earn trust to receive it.

"As for the women here, the old ladies respect Jack and are enjoying you being here. They'd like to meet you" she says.

"Why would they enjoy me being here?" I ask wondering.

"Payback for those whore's always tryin to mess with taken and married men. There enjoying those skanks jealousy of you. The whore's are pissed at you for taking the good guys attention, and after the girls that tried to jump you the other day. Jack said to everyone if anyone tried to mess with you again they were out of the club." She explained.

" Ha, ha ha, that must've been a blow to their ego! For the old ladies rubbing their happiness in there faces. I was wondering why most of those women were giving me dirty looks. I would like to meet the old ladies too!" I say laughing.

She started laughing with me as well" Yea, you should've how the they were pouting when the guys left to go hang out with you at your shop yesterday."

"Well, Jason will start working at the shop soon and Kevin has taken a liken to my video game. So, they might be over there a lot more often and Damien, well... he is just a persistent person, so those bitches need to get over it" I reply.

"I have to say, as long as I've known Damien he's never been a man whore. He literally tells women to fuck off! when they come on to him. Between me and you, Jack and I wasn't surprised he had taken a liken to you. You don't seem like the others, always wanting somethin from him. I know he's had a bad past but that's not my place to say. When and if he's ready, he'll tell you about it" she said, hoping I'd understand.

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