28. Understanding

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Walking into Jack's club looking over my shoulders every few seconds for any possible threats. I followed Jack down a hall and into what must've been his office. After Jack closed the door we took a seat opposite from each other across Jack's desk.

"There are reasons that Sarah had to leave you Lily doesn't know about." I started out.

" Yeah! like what?" Jack asks.

"Well, back then about twenty-two years ago Sarah's father Anthony was a mafia man that was in the middle of retirement that Sarah never wanted to be part of. So she took off and I presume that's around the time she met you, am I correct?" I asked.

" Yes, that's about right" Jack said nodding his head.

"When Anthony was finally retired and got everything in order between some feuding families that were fighting for his position, he got lonely and wanted Sarah back to spend some time with her.
Sarah loved you and didn't want you or your club mixed up with any problems with her father so when she found out she was pregnant she didn't want her child to grow up in dangerous life or be an easy target for your enemies or her father's enemies so she ran from you.
Sarah never told Anthony who Lily's father was but he had his suspicions it was you and understood why Sarah didn't tell him. So he always had me and his bodyguards watching over Lily since she was little. He loved and spoiled her so much until he passed away about two years ago. Then Sarah got sick soon after and recently passed away. " I say finishing most of the story.

" Well, I'm starting to understand Sarah's point of view but what does Lily think?" Jack asks.

"A couple days before Sarah passed away she called me from the hospital to go see her and explained that Lily will need guards again and Lily doesn't know anything about her grandfather ever being in the mafia and it's no longer a threat now that Anthony's gone. Sarah only told Lily that she ran from you because Sarah was rich and your club was dangerous at the time for Lily to be around. Sarah also said she felt guilty for keeping everything from you and your Lily's only family so she sent Lily here." I said trying to explain the best I could.

" So, you've been watching over Lily all this time? " Jack questioned.

" No, when Sarah found out she was sick about a year and and half ago she sent everyone away because she wanted to spend the rest of the time she had left alone with Lily. I wanted to give Lily a little time and space to herself to grieve for her mother because I have grown to care for the kid since I've never had any. But, apparently when Lily found out about you she moved here on her own" I say.

" So, she's been without protection all this time?" Jack asked.

"Yes, and now that it's out in the open your Lily's father, Lily needs to at least tell you about how wealthy she is because if your enemies finds out! Lily and your whole club could become a hell of a target." I tell him so he'll know this is a serious matter.

" Fuck! I've been trying to talk to her but haven't had the chance. I'll make sure she has time today" Jack said.

" Good, now that you have an understanding as to how things are and why she needs guard's what are you going to do about that little shit Thomas?" I ask.

" Strip him of his vest and kick him out of the club for now but, before I do that I'm going to give him a good ass kicking that you and Damien can join in on. I don't want to kill him over a kiss because I don't want Lily to feel guilty or anything but, it will send a message to the rest of the club not to fuck with her.

" Sounds good, I'd like to go and meet that kid Damien a little better." I say standing up " Lily and Damien seem to have taken a good liking to each other." I say

" Yes they have" Jack agreed standing up his self before we walked out the door.


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