52. Trust

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Holy... Cow!

I thought as I stared down at the three positive tests as soon as I stepped out of the shower.

Oh my gosh! I'm going to be a mother! And Damien's going to be a father! I am so.... freaking out! I could feel my heart pounding in my chest

I really have to call Mr Lopez!

After drying off in a hurry I slipped on my black silk pajamas and unplugged the phone before setting down on the bed to dial Mr Lopez

"Hello, this is Lopez" he said after the first ring

" Hi, Mr Lopez, this is Lily" I said then hesitated because I never gave it a second thought as to why Felix would say my lawyer was a dangerous man? He has never seemed like that in front of me? If he was dangerous why would my mother and grandfather trust him with everything that had to do with me?

There has to be something I don't know about? But, what could it be? And why was nothing ever said?

" Hello... Lily are you still there?" He asked breaking me out of my thoughts

" Ahh, yeah, Sorry! I'm still here, I just had something on my mind" I say not really sure how I wanted this conversation to start

" Is there something wrong that you need help with? " He asked

" Actually... yes! I was wondering if you could help me get another person out of jail? It's this guy that I've been dating and he got in trouble because of me. I got kidnapped and he helped save me. I also need to talk to you about something but, I'm not sure if it a good idea to ask you about it over the phone." I said waiting to see what he had to say

" What do you mean you got kidnapped? By who? Are you alright?" He asked in a serious tone that makes me wonder why he would be so concerned?

" Yes! I'm fine now, but as I was saying I think it would be better if we talked in person, It's also about something Felix brought up" I say

" I'll tell you what! Let me know the name of this guy that you would like me to help, and I'll see what I can do for him and I will stop by your condo first thing in the morning with an update, and we can talk more over breakfast. How does that sound?" He asks

" Yes, that would be great! his name is Damien Black " I say

" Alright, I'll see what I can find out tonight and we'll talk more in the morning, you sound a bit upset" he said

" I'm OK now, I'm just tired and need some sleep" I say to reassure him

" Okay, you do that and I'll see you in the morning, good night Lily"

" Good night Mr Lopez" I said then hung up

Well! now I need to call Jack

After dialing Jack's number I put the phone back up to my ear

" Hello" I hear Jack say

" Hey, Jack I just called Mr Lopez and he said he'll find out what he can do for Damien and let me know in the morning" I say

" Alright, Lily thanks for calling and letting me know. How are you feeling after everything that's happened? " He asks

I'm not sure at the moment

" I'm okay now, I'm just tired and need some sleep" I say repeating the same thing I said to Mr Lopez so I don't worry him

" Okay, then... Call or come over in the morning, I know you're worried about Damien. He will be OK, he's a strong man" Jack said to try and reassure me

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