44. Thanksgiving

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When I got up early this morning I hurried with my shower and breakfast then I  called Felix to wish him a happy Thanksgiving.

This will the first Thanksgiving without my mother and it makes me sad that I won't have anymore holidays with her, but I'm thankful she told me about Jack because I wouldn't have never had another family or met Damien, I would still be lonely.

Jack and I don't have that father, daughter close kinda bond yet, but I know with time we might and maybe I could call him dad to his face one day. Usually, I don't let anyone get too close to have any friends, only find ways to make people happy. But with Damien, it's like he can see right through that and makes sure his presence is known beside me and makes it were I don't feel so lonely anymore.

Thinking of Damien, I missed him and wanted to see him. So, I helped Juliet put the pies in the back seat of her car so she could follow behind my car to the shop.

On the way over I stopped for gas and seen that a carnival was being set up along the beach. The flyers in the the store read that it would be opened tomorrow.

Oooh! I know what I'm doing for tomorrow! And the beach is looking good for this weekend!

I thought as I pulled up to the shop seeing that the car I got Hanna arrived yesterday, I don't think she would've seen yet if she went home early yesterday.

Parking my car I got out and went to help Juliet get the pies when Damien came out of the shop.

" I missed you!" he said when he got near picking me up bridal style giving me a kiss.

" Get a room!" I heard Jason yell out standing in the doorway of the shop with the PS4 remote.

" Don't pay attention to him" Damien said setting me back on my feet.

" Good afternoon Juliet, would you like help with some of those?" Damien asked nodding in the direction of the pies

" Yes, please if you don't mind" she said smiling at him.

Once Damien, Juliet and I walked in the club we were greeted by Beth.

" Lily, I'm so glad you came!" Beth said as she came up to me giving me a surprise hug. I didn't know how to feel about it so I just hugged her back.

" Beth this is Juliet, Juliet this is Beth, Jack's girlfriend" I said introducing them after we pulled away.

" Juliet is my nanna and made some homemade pies" I say gesturing to the pies Juliet and Damien were holding.

"Well, that's great! And Thanks! It's nice to meet you Juliet" Beth said holding her hands out to take the pies from Damien.

" If it's alright with you, would you like to help me take these to the kitchen and we can get better acquainted? We've been pretty busy in the kitchen" Beth said talking to Juliet

"Yes, I'd like that" Juliet said to Beth before turning to me " I'll see you in a bit" she said and followed after Beth to the kitchen.

" Come on" Damien said taking my hand leading me to the back corner table.

" Have you seen the carnival that's set up? " I ask after he sat me on his lap and got comfortable.

" Jack mentioned it when he came back from your place the other day. He's making it a club thing for those who want to go we can do it as a group so everyone can be safe" he said.

" Well, I want to go and since I've been here I haven't had a chance to go to the beach either. So, I was thinking to make a day at the beach Saturday, what do you think?" I asked

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