51. Results

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Once we got back to the club, Beast carried me while following Jack and Felix to Jack's office. Beast sat me in a chair while Jack got on the phone to get info on Damien.

After a while Jack hung up and had a glum expression on his face. Taking a seat opposite of me in his office chair he put his elbows on the table and sighed

" Which do you want first, the good news or the bad news?" Jack asked

Wiping my eyes " I want the good news first" I say as I was still upset that we just left Damien there.

" Damien is OK, he only has the leg wound you told us about and the bad news is that Thomas didn't die. He is in critical condition and in a coma. The bullet was just a few inches from his heart.

I hope Thomas and his father will leave me alone now after this, if he wakes up!

Since there are no wittiness to what happened and the warehouse scene has multiple bullet holes everywhere. The police are keeping Damien in custody until they can get more evidence and hoping to see if Thomas will wake since Damien isn't talking." Jack said

"What can we do for him in the meantime?" I asked sniffling

" I'll have to find a good lawyer to get him out of this mess" Jack said

" Don't worry about a lawyer I'll take care of it" I say

" How? by calling Mr Lopez!" Felix cuts in and asks

" How do you know about Mr Lopez?" I ask him

" By the security cameras at the casino in Vegas" he replies

" Lily, I'm not sure if it's a good idea for you to get involved with him, he's a dangerous man?" Felix says

" Maybe to you, but if my grandfather and mother trusted him then I will to!" I say seriously, thinking about all the things that Mr Lopez has helped me with

" There are some things that you don't know about him" Felix said

" Yeah, like what?" I ask

" Well- I- I- it's not my place to say, You'll have to ask him" Felix said defeated.

His stuttering makes me wonder what it is? It has to be something big because Felix would never back down to say what's on his mind any other time.

" I will when I go over to the shop and get my phone" I say to Felix before looking over at Jack" I'll call and let you know what Mr Lopez says, cause I wanna get home and take a shower, I feel awful " I say standing up

" Lily before you go, I wanna ask if Thomas and his father had hurt you in any way" Jack asks

" No, they just locked me in a room that had bars on the door. Once I picked the lock I was able to get away when I heard the shooting" I say

" Alright, do you want me or someone to drive you home?" He asks

" No, I'll be OK, thanks for asking though and for saving me" I say yawning ready for sleep

" Your welcome, I'm here if you ever need anything" Jack says

" Okay, I'll see you guys tomorrow" I say before walking out the door

Once I was in the shop I went straight to the desk to get my phone but the battery was dead and didn't have the charger so... I guess I'd have to call Mr Lopez when I get home.

So, after walking back over to the club to let Jack know I'd call when I got home. I was halfway to the condo when I remembered I needed to stop at a pharmacy to get a test.

After looking and buying a few pregnancy tests I was back in my car feeling nervous and worried about what to do if the test actually came out positive because with all the things happening I was scared.

I was scared because how could I tell Damien in the situation he was currently in at the moment? All because of me! I'm also afraid of what could happen if Thomas and his father came after me again. I don't want to cause any more problems right now for Damien or Jack.

Maybe I should run like mom did? I thought as I remembered what I was thinking when I was trapped in that room. I don't want to cause any more problems for anyone that they can't handle and I sure as hell wouldn't want my child in harm's way like I was when Viper got me. I told Jack the first time he confronted me I would leave if someone got hurt because I would feel guilty. Now! Damien is hurt and in jail because of me and I'm sure as hell positive that NOTHING is over for Viper if Thomas doesn't make it. He would want revenge and it could be WORSE for me if Viper found out that I could be pregnant or rich!

Once I parked in the garage, I thought maybe I could just be overreacting a bit? What if I'm not even be pregnant? I wouldn't have to leave! But, If I was... I'll have to see what Mr Lopez could do for Damien then run. It's the only logical thing to do until I'm sure It's safe for me to return.

With those thoughts in mind I grabbed the pharmacy bag my phone and headed upstairs to the bathroom. Once I plugged in my cell phone into the charger I took three of the five tests from the bag and read the boxes.

After I did my business I set the tests on the counter and hopped in the shower while I waited for the results.


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