21. Crazy

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Feeling nice and warm I moved a little to get more comfortable, only that I couldn't.

What the hell?

Opening my eyes, I froze. Oh, shit! My heart started to quicken. I'm laying on Damien with his arm around me. I must've dozed off last night.
Breathing in a little trying to calm my heart. I inhaled his delicious scent. I tried moving a bit so I could see his face. If I thought he looked hot awake damn! He looked sexy asleep with his long eyelashes and short black bed hair. Not to mention his big warm body under me. I wonder if the rest of him is big? Cursing myself for having those thoughts. This soon is going to drive me crazy!
Not really wanting to get up I slowly lifted his arm to move, but he moved it back more secured. Then with his early ruff voice asked " What are you doing?"

"I was getting up" I reply.

"Really!.." he asks, turning me some so we're laying chest to breast.

"Really!" I repeat looking him in the eyes, only for him to glance at my lips then back to my eyes.

"Without giving me a good morning kiss?" He asked, making a cute puppy face.

" I didn't wanna wake you" I say.

" Well, I'm awake now" he said.

"Don't we need to take things slow?" I asked, not entirely sure if I was really asking him or myself.

"You agreed to kisses, it doesn't have to be more if you're not ready" he said waiting for my decision.

Looking at his soft lips then in his eyes "Okay"

Then his hand was behind my head smashing our lips together. Needing more, I put both of my hands in his hair getting more intimate while we rubbed against one another.
Hearing a knock at the door Damien finally pulled back.

With our chests breathing heavily Damien's voice a little rugged when he spoke "Damn it! We better get that before this goes farther then your ready for."

So, with that said. I got up off him standing to fixing my clothes and hair the best I could. Damien stood as well, running his fingers through his hair.

After we were both straighted out Damien answered the door.

"Morning man! Did I wake you?" I heard Jack ask at the door.

"No, we we're awake" Damian tells Jack, opening the door more for him to come in.

Jack took a quick look around "It's been a long time since I stepped foot in here. It looks nice the way you have it."

" Thanks," I say.

"I might have to come get inked sometime if you don't mind?" Jack asked, looking at me.

"Sure! Anytime, Jason would have to do it though. I haven't learned yet" I say, trying to make a small conversation.

"A woman I know named Hanna called. Asking if you're still hiring? I told her I'd ask you"

" Yes, let me get a pen so I can give you my number. That away, you'll have it and you can give it to her or she can just come over for an interview when my car is here" I said, walking over to my desk writing it down, hanging it to him.

"Thanks, she'll appreciate it. She's got a kid to look after" he replied.

Jack then looked to Damien "Are you ready to get going? We have a days ride ahead of us."

"Yeah, just give me a minute and I'll be over" Damien replied.

"Alright" Jack said walking back over to the door.

Before walking out he looked back at me.

"Beth asked me to remind you if you still wanted to go over to the club tonight? The girls are having a woman's night while most of the gang will be gone till Monday afternoon."

"Tell her yes for me. I need to head home now to get a few things done. But, I'll be back around six if that's not to late?" I ask.

"That shouldn't be a problem I'll let her know. Take care and get my number from Beth if you need anything" he said before walking out the door.

Turning around to Damien "Do you know how awkward and embarrassing that would have been for me if he walked in on us?" I ask.
Before he could say anything I continued" I don't think I would've been able to look him in the face for weeks" I said, embarrassed.

He started chuckling, showing some sexy dimples walking over placing his hands on my hips "Can I get your number for the road?"

" Yes" I say before his mouth was back on mine.

After a few moments we broke apart knowing he had to go. Catching my breath I wrote my number for him.

"I'll see you when I get back" he said walking to the door glancing back one last time before walking out.

Damn! He is so fine !

Dominant Biker (#1Dominant Series)Where stories live. Discover now