32. After dinner

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⚠ Just so u know, there's Mature Content 17+ ⚠



After Jack and Beast left, Felix walked over to us at the desk " So Lily, what are your plans for the rest of the day?"

"Well, I guess I'm done here for the day I just need to let Jason know I'm going home early. He's supposed to help me paint outside and do some of his designs on the wall but we can do that tomorrow. Damien is coming over at my place for dinner, are you coming?" I ask Felix.

" No, I need to be with my men and you might not see me around much but I'll be watching from a distance. Do you want me to give you all a ride to the condo?" Felix asked.

Before I could reply Damien cut in "No, I'll give her a ride on my Harley. Is that okay with you Lil? " Damien asks me.

" Yes, that's fine" I say

" Alright, I'm headed out now " Felix said before walking out the door.

I turned in Damien's lap so I was looking at him" I've never been on a motorcycle so... I'm a little scared"

" It's alright, I'll go slow so you can get used to it and you won't be to scared when I teach you how to ride yours" he said trying to make me feel a little less scared about it.

" Okay, are you ready to go now" I ask

" Yes, but didn't you want to talk to Jason before we go?" He asked raising his eyebrows a little making him look hot.

" Yes" I say

Once I locked the door to the shop Damien took me by the hand and led us over to the club. I spotted Jason at the bar talking with Beth, when we got near they both greeted us.

" You up for helping paint the shop tomorrow ?" I asked Jason.

"Yeah, what time do you want me there?" He asked.

" Around 9:00 do you want a key so you can start painting when you want? The paint buckets are in the waiting room " I say.

" Sure" he said

Taking the key out of my pocket I hand it to him " Keep it, that way if I'm not there you can open and close for me if you want" I told him.

" Thanks" he says

" Lily before you go I was wondering if you would like to join us for Thanksgiving?" Beth asks me.

" Yes, I'd like that" I say

" Great! Jack will be pleased" she says happily that I agreed.

" Alright, I'll see you guys later" I say as Damien pulls my hand in the direction of the door.

When we were next to his Harley I started to get nervous. Damien noticed and told me to relax picking me up helping me on the seat. After he got on he told me not to touch the pipe near my leg that it would get hot. Then said to hold onto him around the waist. When I did I could feel his abs underneath his shirt and my boobs pressed against his back. Before he started the bike I gave him the directions to my place then we were headed down the road.

I could feel the wind hitting my face and cool air around my body making me feel free and relaxed. I don't know what I was so scared of, but I hoped it wouldn't take too long to learn how to ride mine.

Once we were at the condo I had him park in the garage near my bike. He helped me off and asked how the ride was and I told him it was great and couldn't wait to ride mine.

"That's a nice bike, how long have you had it?" He asked

" I ordered it online and had it delivered before I moved here" I say and he looked at me a little funny.

" What?" I ask

" You ordered a motorcycle online and acted like that's normal" he said.

" It is, isn't it?" I say raising my eyebrows.

" Not if you want to act like you don't have a lot money, you can't say stuff like that" he said trying to explain.

" What should I say?" I asked

" That you got it from a car lot or bike shop" he says

" It's the same thing isn't it" I ask

" You really need some practice at being broke" he said

It's not as easy as it sounds

" I know that's why I'm working at the shop to learn how appreciate making hard earned money myself rather than pay someone to do everything for me."

He just chuckles at me like I still don't get it, I just shrug my shoulders " Come on, I'm sure Juliet has dinner ready" I say taking his hand in mine this time.

Walking in the kitchen we greeted and talked to Juliet for a while before sitting down to eat dinner.

After dinner we went to the living room for a few minutes before I asked if he wanted to watch a movie with me. He said yes so I made some buttery popcorn and took him to my bedroom to look through the movies. When we decided on August Rush we took our shoes off and got comfortable on my bed leaning against the headboard. When the movie was half over I was licking the butter off my fingers when Damien stopped me and started licking them himself.

He looked so fucking hot doing that, I couldn't do nothing but stare. We were sitting so close our eyes locked for a second before he pulled my fingers out of his mouth looking at my lips. Without thinking we moved closer till we were kissing and he pulled me on top of him.

My fingers were in his hair while his hands were running down my body. When he got to the end of my shirt he asked " may I " I managed to say " yes" before he took it off. After a few minutes he flipped us so he was on top and I had my back to the bed.

He was trailing kisses down my neck while I had my hands on his back. When he made it to my breast I lifted up a little so he could remove my bra.

After a few minutes he was going lower and stopped all of a sudden. We were both panting heavy when he asked if I wanted to stop.

Did I want him to stop? No, I knew it was a little soon but, it felt right for some reason.

" No, I don't want to stop" I say.

" Just let me know okay"

" OK" I said as I was still panting

When he removed my pants and knickers I heard him say " your beautiful" before his mouth was back on my breasts working his way down my stomach passed my belly button. He put both of his hands under my legs pulling me close to his face so could reach my clit. His mouth ravished me till I had no choice to orgasm. After I calmed down a little he pulled a condom from his wallet before removing his clothes.

" Have you done this before? " He asked

" No" I say

"It might hurt a little at first but I will go slow okay" he says still panting.

" OK" I said watching him put the condom on.

Holy cow! he was huge!!

Very slowly he leaned down putting his member at my entrance slowly entering me. When I felt a pinch of pain he waited until I relaxed then slowly continued till all I felt was pleasure. When he leaned down to kiss me I could taste myself on him. By the time I had my second orgasm I was exhausted.

When we were done he got up and went to my attached bathroom coming back out a few seconds later with a washcloth cleaning me up before climbing back in bed pulling me against him.


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