45. I'm not sure!

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Once we got to Damien's room last night we laid down and watched the movie John Wick for a while then listened to some music when the song, I'll Be came on by Edwin McCain and he told me he loved me for the first time. I didn't hesitate to say it back because I knew I was falling in love with him too. It was romantic and nice to fall asleep next to someone who you really want and care for and knowing they wanted you the same way back, I truly felt happy and content.

When we woke up early this morning and messing around in bed for a bit. I called Hanna and asked if she could meet me at the shop before I went home to shower and change because Damien said last night Jack wanted everyone to meet back here at noon. So Damien and I were headed to the shop when we ran into Jack and Beth on the way out. Beth said she was going to make breakfast and Jack wanted to talk to Damien.

That left me to go over to the shop myself and wait for Hanna to arrive. I was sitting at my desk for a few minutes admiring both of my new vest when my cell phone rang.

It was Mr Lopez " Hello" I said answering

" Hey, Lily I was just calling to let you know I got some info dug up on Mr Zest Weston from an informant and it seems that the judge at the time was paid off to give Zest an unjust case. I have looked into the case to see what I could do for him. It might take me some time but I think I can get him out by Christmas with the right contacts I have and it could probably cost up to a hundred grand to have everything legalized and paid off. Would you still like me to get him out?"

"Yes!" I said still looking at my vests remembering last night when I was made a club member. At first I was only getting Zest out for Beast as a thank you, but now that Beast and everyone considers me family and club member now. I have more of a reason now to help the guy out because he was more of a loyal family club member than I was so far.

"Ok!; Now, would you like Mr Zest Weston to be informed about this whole process or keep him in the dark till he gets out?" Mr Lopez asked

Isn't that illegal? But, I want it to be a surprise for him and everyone

" I would like to keep everything in the dark to make sure everything works out OK" I say

" I understand what you mean, and before we hang up I wanted to let you know that the houses are ready for you to use anytime you like" he said

" Alright that's great! thanks a lot" I said

" I'll keep you updated on the progress case and have you informed before he will be released in case you would decide to talk to Mr Weston in person first." Mr Lopez said thinking of everything.

" That sounds good and thanks again" I said before we both hung up.

Hearing Hanna's car pull up I put the vest on that said Damion's property and went to greet her at the door.

Before I even made it to the door my cell rang again.

"Hello" I said seeing it was Felix

"Hey, Lily I was just talking to Jack about tonight to be careful and on the lookout because a couple of my men spotted Thomas and his men in the next town over so I'm gonna go check it out" he said

" Do you think I should cancel on going to the carnival tonight?" I asked while opening the door for Hanna to come in with her son.

" No, just go about your day as normal but, please... don't go off anywhere alone tonight" he said being serious.

" Alright, I promise I won't go anywhere alone tonight, but I'm getting ready to leave the shop and go home to shower and change before coming back to meet at the club at noon" I said closing the door before walking back to my desk

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