19. Kiss

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Opening the door. I seen Damien setting up the TV by the waiting room. When he saw me he stopped what he was doing and came over with a determined look on his face. When he was in front of me he put one hand gently on my face, looking me in the eyes.

"Have you thought about what I asked you the other day Lily?"

" Yes, I can give you a chance. But, I'd like to take things slow and see where it leads" I say.

"That's all I ask" he replied. Looking for any doubts he may see on my face.

He then leaned in close to my face putting both of his hands on my hips leaning in a little closer "can I kiss you at least?"

With him so close. My heart was pounding like crazy as I looked at his lips then in his eyes saying "Yes".

When I felt his lips on mine. They were so... soft and warm it felt really nice. Wanting more, I leaned in a little closer putting both of my arms around his neck to deepen it.

All of a sudden I heard the door open and I quickly moved away from Damien ruining the moment.

"Hey, guys! Were here!..." Kevin yelled, walking in with Jason and surprisingly, Beast right behind them. They were all carrying beer and Jason had a radio and some CD's.

"Come on in guys! Make yourself comfortable and have a look around if you want" I said greeting them in.

"All the years I've been over at the club. I can say I have never been over here, it feels kinda strange" Jason said setting the radio down on the desk.

"Well now, if you work for Lily you'd be over here every day" Kevin said walking around the room looking at mine and Damion's art designs on the wall.

" Nice place you got here. What kind of ink & machines you got?" Jason asked.

"The ink is in one of those boxes over there by the door" I said pointing at them "And the machines are in the back rooms if you wanna have a look" I say nodding in the direction of the rooms.

"Alright I'll go check it out" he said turning to walk down the hallway.

Turning around I saw Damien, Kevin and Beast standing over by the TV Damien set up when I came in.

" I was done painting the walls if you guys wanna take the sheets off the couch and have a seat. You can also move around the furniture to your liking" I say to them.

"Alright !" Damien said pulling the sheet while Beast and Kevin got on either side of the couch moving it.
Once they had everything set to their liking and sat down. I walked over turning on the TV and PS4. Then pulled out the remotes and games from the bag, handing them to Damien.

"You all can start playing. I just need to text my Nanna" I say.

Before I could text Juliet, Jason came back out "That's nice equipment you got back there"

"Thanks! I don't know how to use it, but you can test it out if you want. Let me know if you want the job. Its Monday thru Friday I do salary weekly and you keep the tips during the weekdays. You can also pick your own work room. Is all I ask is no sluts hanging around, unless there getting inked and no fucking in your work station. I don't mind if a girlfriend comes over once in a while as long as she's not a pest" I explained.

"Damn!, that is a good deal, when can I start?" He asks.

"Whenever you want. I'll just need your phone number, info for the checks or direct deposit. I'll be needing to paint the outside soon" I say.

"I could help with that" he offered.

"Thanks!, that'd be great! Damien helped in here. We left some room on the white wall if you want to show some of your work."

"Alright, that sounds good. I'll work on it this coming week if I get a chance" He said.

"Alright, works for me" I say

Hearing Kevin and Damien we turned to them. Beast was just chilling on the end of the couch sipping a beer while Damien and Kevin were into the Uncharted game.
Remembering I still needed to text Juliet. I pulled out my phone before I looked back at Jason.

"You can go ahead and turn the music on if you'd like. I need to text my housekeeper" I said, walking over to sit at my desk.

He put on some Imagine Dragon then went to set with the guys.

Turning my phone on, I texted Juliet.

Hay, Juliet go ahead and take the night off, won't be home till late ~Lily

Thanks, take care ~ Juliet

Feeling eyes on me, I looked up to see Damien staring at me.

"You coming over here to sit?" He asks

"Yes" I say getting up from the desk chair to go sit by him. Only for him to pull me onto his lap.

The others just glanced over and surprisingly got more comfortable in their own seats.

We all talked and chilled out for the rest of the night taking turns playing the game until I got to tired and fall asleep on Damion's lap.


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