36. To Vegas!

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"Hey! Felix thanks for picking me up" I say.

"Sure, you know it's not problem. So, what did you want to talk to me about?" Felix asked.

"Oh, well I need to see my lawyer tomorrow afternoon for the shop papers and I was wondering if you wanna give me a ride to Las Vegas early in the morning?" I ask.

" Sure, I remember you saying something about it the other day. Have you booked a hotel or anything?" He asks.

" No, I wasn't sure if it was a good idea or not. That's why I waited to see what you thought about it first" I say.

"It shouldn't be problem I haven't spotted any trouble around your place or Jack's so far. I'll take care of the hotel for security reasons and after you're done with the lawyer we can hit the casino's for a little while if you'd like?" He asked.

" Oh, that would be so much fun! I haven't had any time to do anything like that with what happened to mom and everything after I turned 18" I say happily.

" I thought you'd like that now that you don't have nothing holding you back. It's okay to have some fun every once in a while. I still remember your grandfather spoiling you like crazy and your mother would always yell at him for it." Felix said chuckling.

" Yeah, and you were always following me around everywhere making boys afraid to talk to me" I say

" Yes, and that was my job and still is. I like Damien though, he seems to really care about you. If your mother and grandfather were still alive I think they'd approve of him. But... your grandfather would've given him a hard time though" Felix said.

" Yeah, I'm sure he would've" I say a little sad at the mention of grandfather.

Yeah, well anyway. I will be here at 6am so we'll have time to check in at a hotel before we head over to the lawyer's office" Felix said.

"Alright, well I'll see you in the morning" I say getting out of the car once we got to the condo.

" Good night Lily" Felix said before pulling away.

After Felix dropped me off last night. I set my alarm clock for 5am before I went to bed.

Once I got a quick shower this morning. I decided to wear a pair of white skinny jeans and a pink hoodie then packed an overnight bag for the hotel.

Now, I have about ten minutes to eat some Nutella with Vanilla wafers before Felix comes.

"Good morning Felix" I said once I got into his car.

" Morning Lily, I booked us two hotel rooms above one of my friends Casino's if you don't mind?" He said.

"That's great! Thanks " I say putting my bag behind the seat before getting comfortable.

After a while I must've fallen asleep because I woke up to Felix yelling in his phone in Italian swerving the car back and forth.

When he looked over and noticed I was awake " Sorry! But we're being followed. Can you call Jack or Damien?" He asked seriously in a tone that got me scared and had my heart pounding.

" Yes!" I said panicking now wide awake grabbing my phone.

I didn't know Jack's number so I dialed Damion's number.

" Hey, Lil I didn't think you'd call me so soon" Damien said.

"Damien! someone is following us! And Felix told me to call you or Jack!" I said panicking.

"Alright, just try to calm down! Can you put Felix on the phone?" He asked

Looking over at Felix " It's Damien" I said holding the phone out for him.

Felix said something in his phone before laying it in his lap and taking mine.

" Damien! I had four motorcycles and two cars following us, but my men were able to take three bikes and a car out and I still have about a half an hour to get to Vegas" I heard Felix telling Damien in the phone.

"Give me a second" Felix said before picking up his other phone and said something in Italian before getting back on with Damien.

"From what my men said they had black and red vests on " Felix replied to what Damien was saying.

After Felix said a few yeses and Sonic Casino to Damien he hung up and handed my phone back to picked up his talking again.

About fifteen minutes later you could see Las Vegas so Felix slowed down some relaxing and hung up his phone

" We're okay for now. My men were able to take care of the last bike and car. Damien said they were enemies of Jack's and must've found out about you being his daughter and were waiting for a chance to come after you.

" What are we going to do for now?" I asked Felix shaking a little.

" Well, Jack and his men are on their way to the Sonic Casino that were headed to. Is there any way for that lawyer of yours to come by your hotel room and talk to you?" He asked

" I could call and ask" I said trying to calm down before dialing Mr Lopez's cell number.

" Hello, this is Lopez" Mr Lopez said when he answered the phone.

" Hi, Mr Lopez this is Lily"

" Hello! Lily it's good to hear from you, are you still coming in today?"

" Oh, well... I was wondering if there's any chance you could come by my hotel room and talk instead? I've had a bit of a sceuirty problem" I said.

" Sure I can, just remember call anytime you need anything day or night no matter what it is" he said

" Okay, well it's 10:30 now and I can text you the room and place I'll be at around 11:00 and we can meet at 12:00 if that's alright with you" I asked hoping I could talk to him in private before Jack or anyone else showed up.

" Yes, that sounds great and I'll bring your business papers and the papers I need you to sign for the house" Mr Lopez said before we hung up.

Looking over at Felix knowing he heard most of what I said to Mr Lopez I retell him anyway except about the house part.

" Alright, while you're talking to him I'll get us some food and get rooms to have ready for Jack and his men. I assume that if Damien comes he'll probably want to stay with you. So I'll let my guards and security know at the hotel" Felix said.

" He probably will" I say looking out the window knowing it would make me feel better if he does.

I know if Jack hadn't cornered me the way he did that day. I wouldn't be having this kind of problem. I'm really scared now that people are really after me! I'm so... glad I'll be talking to the lawyer. I can't and I won't live in fear like this. I will run if this kind of shit keeps happening! I don't want to be the blame if something happens to anyone because of me! Now, I know how mom really felt.

Once we got to the hotel and checked in. I texted Mr Lopez and was finally in my room able to stretch out my legs from sitting in Felix's car so long. Felix went to his own room and I had about forty minutes to freshen up before I had to go down to the lobby and greet Mr Lopez.


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