57. Surprise!

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Just sitting here keeping guard drinking a beer in the far back corner of the club with the music low, I heard someone pounding at the front entrance.

Who the fuck could that be at 4 in the morning?

Grabbing my gun off the table, I went over and pushed the alarm button that would alert Jack and Jason before going over to answer the door, not sure who or what to expect this late.

How... the fuck?

Being shocked was an understatement! I stood there just staring, not believing he was standing right here in front of me.

" Brother !" was the only thing that I could say before I snapped out of my shock.

He dropped whatever he had in his hands as we embraced in a big hug.

After pulling back from him I had to wipe my eyes as I was emotional, not something I'm used to.

" How did you get out man? Please... Don't tell me you escaped!" I asked looking at him.

Before he could even answer Jack and Jason had came through from the back holding up their guns. Once Jack realized who it was, he lowered his gun. You could easily see the shock written on his face that was probably still on mine.

" Zest?" Jack said as he came over to us with Jason following behind him.

" How the hell did you get out? It's great to see you!" Jack said as they embraced in a hug as well.

" I'm still just about as shocked as you both are! I mean, three hours ago I was literally sitting in my jail cell looking at the walls, then out of nowhere I was in the warden's office and your daughter Lily was there handing him my release papers and here I am" Zest said to the both of us.

" Lily! My Lily got you out?" Jack asked surprised.

" Yes, and she asked me to give you this" Zest said walking over to the entrance where the door was still opened, picking up some envelopes and a duffle bag from where he had dropped his stuff.

" What's in it?" Jack asked Zest.

" I'm not sure" Zest said handing him the stuff.

Jack looked at the envelopes first, which had some of our names on them then unzipped the bag.

" Holy shit!" Jack said shocked as he looked into it.

" What is it" Jason asked.

" It's full of money" Jack said stunned.

" Are you sure? That was a heavy bag and I was carrying it!?" Zest said surprised and full of shock again.

" What do the envelopes say? " I asked

" Well there is one for you, I and Jason" Jack said handing us the envelopes " The last two are for Damien and Hanna" he said as he opened his own letter.

Once I read the letter Lily had written me, I didn't have any words to say. I know I helped her in Vegas because it was the right thing to do as she was like a little niece to me as Jack was like a brother looking out for family. I know it's going to be hard with Damien in prison, but he is a strong man that loves that girl. I have never seen that boy care for anyone like that or show any emotion for, other than Jack and myself for raising him like a son. But I'm glad those to found each other. I might not ever tell anyone this but, it breaks my heart seeing those two be separated from each other like that. It reminds me of how Zest and Mary were before things went sour. I don't want anything like that to happen again and I will try damn hard for those two to be able to be back together again. What Lily has done for my brother I, I  will never forget it. It means a lot to me that she went out of her way to help someone she didn't even know and I'm sure my brother will feel the same way.

Looking at my brother and being able to be near him without a glass in between us, makes me want to go hunt down Viper now more then ever, for all the hell he has brought to this club.

Looking over to Jack to see what he thought, I seen a tear drop from his eye before he quickly swiped it and thought it better to not say anything yet. But after a few minutes he spoke.

" I gotta go over to the jail at noon to talk to Damien and give him his letter before they transferrer him to the prison. I'm glad your back Zest, and I'll let you and Beast catch up while I get some more rest before heading over there" Jack said as he turned to go back to his room" Good night guys or morning if you prefer" he added as he went down the hall probably wanting to be alone after what he read.

So, that's what Zest and I did for the rest of the morning after Jason went back to bed also. Drink and catch up with everything that has been going on, but one thing's for sure!

I'm glad I have my brother back! And it's all thanks to Lily!


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