37. Meeting

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Walking out of the elevator I was just in time to see Mr Lopez walking in the doors of Sonic with a briefcase case. When I got close to where he was he noticed me and started walking my way so I stopped and waited for him so we could walk back to the elevator's.

" Have a seat if you like and thanks for coming. I had a bit of a problem on the way here" I said when we got to my room.

" That's quite alright I used to do this sort of thing all the time for your mother and grandfather. I wouldn't be the man I am today if it wasn't for your grandfather. So, I don't care what it is I will always help you with anything you need. It's the least I can do for what he's done for me" Mr Lopez said taking a seat.

" Thanks I appreciate it" I say taking a seat across from him wondering what my grandfather did for him?

"Here are the documents for your shop" he said taking the papers out of his case.

" And I made a new account separate from your other account for your business in your regular name so you can auto pay your employees and deposit what your business makes in there so everything is legit" he said handing me a new account card.

" Thanks" I say taking it

" An old couple are the ones that are interested in purchasing your Las Vegas home for their son and his wife as a wedding gift." He said taking more papers from his briefcase.

" I must say, you must be very careful now Lily!" Mr Lopez said in a very serious tone. "Because I know who your father is from your mother's experience and I know he's a good man and all and if you told him how much money you have now, I'm sure that put a lot of pressure on him to protect you and his family because of the danger his business has. The reason I'm warning you to be very careful now! is because your money will be doubled once you sign these papers. The Vegas home was worth 15 million and is being sold for 18 million cause another couple was wanting it." He said making sure I understood.

Holy fuck!!! What the hell? Oh my gosh!!! I was freaking out

" Damn!" I say shocked leaning back in my chair never thinking that it was worth that much.

" Well, I want to use some of that money to purchase another home. Do you think you could find something for me? A place that I wouldn't want anyone able to find easily?" I ask

" Yes I could do that and you think almost like your grandfather, but I suggest that you get two homes, one nice and something small as a backup?" He said waiting for a reply.

" Yeah, that would be great and if you don't mind I would like to keep this conversation private between us and meet again as soon as possible when you find something. I really want another place in case it ever gets to difficult to live around my father's place." I say remembering what happened earlier in Felix's car.

" That would be fine I'll just need you to sign these papers to finalize the sale of the house" he said pointing out the places that needed signed.

" Thanks again for coming" I say to Mr Lopez as I walked him back to the elevator's.

Once I'm back in my room I laid down on the bed and waited for Felix to bring our food.

It wasn't to long before I heard a knock at the door. I decided to look in the peephole on the door to make sure it was Felix. Ever since we got here I've been feeling a little paranoid because I've never really had to be in a situation like this.

Sure enough I looked and it was him thank goodness, so I opened the door.

Felix handed me my food and after we ate he said Jack's gang would be here in about two in a half hours and if everything was okay we could still head to the Casino's.

After a while Felix headed over to his room to get rest until they showed up. In the meantime I decided to do the same thing.


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