47. She's gone !

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She's gone! She's gone! They took her! THEY FUCKING TOOK HER!!

"FUCK!" I yelled out punching my fist through clubhouse wall before pacing back and forth again. I'll kill those motherfuckers the first chance I get.

I can't believe that the first time I have someone to care for and love they take her from me!

At first I wasn't so worried when Lily hadn't come back from the restrooms right away because I knew Beth was with her. But then was shocked after a woman was screaming for help near the restrooms that a woman needed help. That was all it took for Jack and I to run and see what happened.

When Jack and I saw Beth on the floor he ran right to her straight away too see if she was breathing. My heart felt like it dropped from my chest when I didn't see any sign of Lily. The first thing I did was run over to the window cause I knew she didn't go out the front door.

I hopped out of the window following the footprints that led down the ally, only to come to a stop on the street where they disappeared. Who ever had her was long gone.

That's when I pulled out my phone to call Felix for everyone to meet back at the club.

While I was waiting for Felix, Jack was in the back having Beth's head looked at. When she had woken the only thing she remembered was Sabrina through the mirror.

The only good thing is that our scouts caught Sabrina's man Jarrett trying to go back for his bike and now Beast and Jason were holding him until Felix gets here for questioning. They all had to hold me back from killing that piece of shit.

I snapped out of my thoughts as Felix came running through the doorway looking like hell after a shoot out.

" What the fuck happened with you?" I asked knowing he was after Thomas

" It all had to have been a fucking setup to split us up to get to her! Thomas must've been a diversion for me so his father could've had the better chance at getting to you. Someone in your club was letting them know where and what everyone was doing and waited for the perfect opportunity to get her!" He said still panting "Because, right before your call Thomas and his men were all of a sudden pulling back to take off. Before they did though, I got Thomas in the arm and leg."

"Yeah, we found out it was Sabrina and her man Jarrett. Beth was knocked out when we found her " I said filling him in with what happened till now.

" Well, let's go talk to Jack first before we question the man. Because I just found out some more concerning matters if we don't get Lily back safe and sound within a week at most" Felix said looking more troubled in the time I have known him.

Once Felix, Jack and I were in Jack's office, Felix started talking " Remember that trip to Vegas when Thomas and his men tried taking Lily the first time?" He asked Jack and I, and we said "yes" waiting for him to continue " Well, on the way there I had asked her to call her lawyer to see if she could ask him to meet her at the casino and when she did she had called him Mr. Lopez. I didn't recognize the name at first and didn't pay any attention until I kept going over the casino camera footage of Thomas when I came across footage of Lily greeting none other than Valentini Lopez."

" What does this lawyer of hers have to do with anything?" Jack asked

" Haven't you ever wondered why you couldn't ever find any information on Sarah or Lily that they didn't want anyone to find?" He asked making me feel more alert than ever.

"Yes" Jack said answering his question

"Remember when I told you about Lily's grandfather Anthony being in the mafia? "

What? I didn't know that!

" Yes! Now get to the point Felix " Jack said frustrated now

" Well, as you know Lily doesn't know Anthony saved Valentini Lopez and his family from death and made him his right hand man and attorney. He wouldn't be the man he is today without Anthony. After I made some calls I found out in return for Anthony saving Lopez, he agreed to always be loyal and help Sarah and Lily when needed, and since Sarah didn't want her or Lily to have anything to do with the mafia, Anthony made sure Sarah agreed to make Lily, Lopez's god daughter when she was a baby to always keep her safe. Lopez and the mafia made an oath to never interfere in Lily's life only when she's in danger. Right before we came in here to talk I told Damien we have at least a week at most to get Lily back safe and sound. Knowing Lopez he'd like to hear from her at least once or twice every two weeks to see how she is since Sarah's passing. If he doesn't get ahold of her he knows where to come looking and I know he'll call me knowing I was sworn to keep her safe and I'll have to tell him. We don't want him getting involved in less it's absolutely necessary because one word and the mafia will have blood shed till she's found." Felix said

" DAMN IT to hell! Just when I was starting to get to know her, Viper and his club pull this shit! When I get Lily back he's gonna really know what it's like to have his son takin away. I'm gonna kill that motherfucker if he hurts her!" Jack said pissed off flipping his desk and throwing his chair against the wall in frustration.

Not if I get to him first! I thought to myself as my rage kept building inside of me.

I love Lily and I'll do what it takes to get her back in my arms no matter what! I promised myself

So, with that in mind, I walked out the door heading straight to Jarrett to get some answers.

Once I got to the back of the club building with Felix and Jack following behind, I opened the door to see Beast and Jason waiting there with a passed out bruised and bloodied Jarrett on the floor.

Kicking him in the gut to wake him, I grabbed my gun from behind my back and asked " Why in the fuck would you and Sabrina want to help the Devils take Lily?"

" I ain't tellin you shit!"  He said spitting out blood as he talked

Since a beating from Beast and Jason didn't get him to talk maybe a bullet to the knee would.


"Ahhhh!! Ahhhh!! Ahhhh!! OK! OK! I'LL TALK!"

He said screaming at the top of his lungs

" Go on then" I said waiting

'' Sa-Sabrina wanted revenge be-because Jack kicked her si-sister and friends out of the club after-after Lily beat them!" He said half stuttering and screaming from the pain and blood.

"That can't be the only reason, What else!" I asked kicking his leg

"Ahhhh! FUCK!" He screamed again

" Th-They offered to make Sa-Sabrina her sister and I, a member of their cl- club if we sh-showed them our loyalty by helping them get Li-Lily" he spat out

" Why do they want her!? " I asked

" I don't know! I swear!" He said on the verge of passing out again

I'm pretty sure they wouldn't tell him shit!  I thought

" Last question! If you don't answer correctly, I will put a bullet in the other knee" I said pointing my gun at his good knee making sure he understood

" What's the location where they were taking Lily?" I asked

" The old warehouse in the Valley on Elkton Rd, That's all I know!" He said ready to pass out

" If I find out your lying, I'll come back and finish what I started on the rest of your body!" I warned him as he finally passed out

With that info Jack, Beast, Felix and I headed out the door while Jason stayed behind to keep an eye on Jarrett.


Vote 🌟and comment 📝 if you like. It took me awhile to update cause I wasn't sure how I wanted to this chapter to go

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