18. Invited

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Damien still had his hand in mine as we walked to were the men were standing around the motorcycle I seen when passing by.
When we got a bit closer. I noticed it was five dudes that looked kinda hot. One stood out the most, he was like 6' 5" and had a vest on. Three had their shirts off with some grease on their hands and bandanas on their heads, while one other guy also had a vest on.
Damien pulled me to a stop still not letting go of my hand when I tried pulling away.

" Hey, guys this is Lily" Damien said, as he nodded his head in my direction introducing me to everyone.

"Lily this is Drew, Kevin, Jason, Thomas and the big guy there goes by Beast" Damien said as he pointed, introducing me to each person.

I gave a short wave and "Hello" because I was nervous and didn't know what else to do. I felt so out of place while the others looked calmed and relaxed.
The three guys that had grease on there hands Drew, Kevin and Jason all said " Hi, and nice to meet you" almost at the same time while the guy Thomas came up to me to shake my hand.
When the man's hand touched mine I got a creepy feeling from him. I pulled my hand away quickly. I don't think anyone noticed. But, then I think the huge guy did because he glared at Thomas then looked at me with his hazel eyes like nothing happened. He gave me a nod as a greeting.

"That's a nice ass looking ride you got over there!" Thomas said then asked "Are you rich or somethin?"

I half lie "No, my god father was. He got it for me about two years ago before he passed away as a birthday gift, but I'll have to be selling it soon."

Then, the guy Drew spoke "Mind if I take a look at it sometime before you do? I've never seen under the hood of one of those."

" Sure, but I really don't know much about it" I reply.

Still feeling Damien's hand in mine. I tried pulling it away again with no luck. He only moved behind me so that he's able to move me back against him while he leaned against the wall of the club.

Jason spoke up next "Jack said something about you lookin for some tattoo artists, that true?"

" Yes I am, the pays pretty good if you're interested?"

"Yeah; maybe, when's a good time to talk?" He asked.

" Monday or any time during the week when you see my car at the shop. Just come on over. I don't have an open or closed sign yet."

"Alright, sounds good" he said, giving me a quick nod then went back to fixing the motorcycle.

Feeling Damien still behind me I wiggled my hand so he'd let go. When he did, it made it easier for him to lean close putting both of his hands on my hips to talk in my ear.

" So, what was you gonna do over at shop before I pulled you over here?" He asked, turning me around.

Looking up at him "I got a new TV for my PlayStation 4. I was just going to set it up" I say.

" Want me to come over and help you out?" He asks.

Shrugging my shoulder "It's up to you"

The guy Kevin must've been listening in to our conversation because he asked "What kind of game's you got?"

Looking over at him " Right now with me. I only have the last 2 of the Uncharted games and just bought the 3 in 1 Crash Bandicoot"

"Awesome! I haven't played those yet" he said, more interested now.

"Well, if you guys want. Your more than welcome to come over and hang out anytime you like" I offered then added "Maybe one of you could demonstrate how to use the tattoo machine. I haven't figured it out yet."

" Can we bring music and beer?" Kevin asked.

" Sure" I say.

" Well, we'll have to get cleaned up first" Kevin said, nodding his head at the bike & grease on his hands.
Before he could say anything else Jack and Beth came walking over so I turned in their direction.

"How's it going over here? Any luck on fixing it Kev?" Jack asked.

" No, I gotta get a part for the motor" Kevin replied.

" I see you guys have met my daughter Lily here" Jack nods in my direction, speaking to everyone in the group.

They all nodded then got into conversations with Jack and Damien.

"Hi, Lily it's nice to see you again" Beth greeted.

" You to Beth, I was just inviting the guys over at the shop. You and Jack can come over if you'd like"

"I'd like to, but its my shift at the bar tonight" she said.

While Damien and the guys were still talking. I looked around and noticed the guy Beast has been quite this whole time, not saying a word.

"How have you been? I heard about the incident the other day. I'm sorry about that. Damien never pays close attention to woman and when they found out he likes you the girls got a bit jealous. Of course, if they would've known your Jack's daughter they wouldn't have confronted you." Beth said, trying to apologise.

"It's all good, I gave them what they deserved" I said, waving it of like nothing.

"Let me know if anyone bothers you again or if these guys give you any trouble. Jack or I will take care of them if you need us to."

"Okay" I said, just as I got a creepy feeling. I looked around and sure enough the guy Thomas was staring at me. It gave me a slight shiver when he noticed I seen him staring so he quickly looked away.

I think Damien must've noticed my shiver because he came back over" Are you cold?"

Not wanting to cause a seen I just let it go for now  "Just a little. I might get ready and head over to the shop"

"Alright, I walk over with you. Some of the guys said they'll be over in a bit after they get cleaned up"

Beth must've heard us because she spoke up "Before you leave Lily. I wanted to invite you over at the club tomorrow night. Some of the women are meeting up if you want to join us. That away you can get to know some of the other women"

"Sure, I'd like that" I reply.

The rest of the guys must've heard I was leaving because Kevin and Jason both said "See you in a bit" while Drew and Thomas said "It was nice meeting you"

When Damien and I were walking away Jack yelled over "Hey Lily, you got a minute to talk?"

Turning around "Yeah, sure" I said to Jack then turned back to Damien.

"Do you wanna go ahead and get the TV and stuff out of the car while I talk to him?"

"Yeah" he said.

Pulling the keys from my pocket. I handed them to Damien" The shop keys are on there to if you want to go on in"

"Alright" he said, turning to walk to the car.

Turning back around I saw Jack walking my way.

When he got a bit closer. He must've noticed the necklace I had on "I still remember the day I gave that to your mother" he said nodding at the necklace.

"I'm glad she gave it to you. It looks good on you" he said then continued "I would still like to talk to you more when we have more time available. But, for now let me know if anyone gives you any problems that includes Damien. I've seen he has taken a liken to you. He's a good man I practically raised him myself with Beast. He's had a bad past but you can trust him with anything, alright"

"Alright Jack, thanks for the advice I appreciate it" I say.

" See, you around Lily" Jack said one last time before turning to walk back over to Beth.

Turning myself back around I headed to the shop.


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