58. Man Enough

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Laying here on this hard ass mattress in my cell with my leg bandaged just thinking about everything that has happened.

I'm just glad Jack and Beast got Lily away from Viper and his men. It's a shame though that Thomas's stupid ass didn't die from that bullet, but I guess I'll have to make sure I finish him off with my hands if he accepts that 3 year deal Lily's lawyer proposed.

That lawyer of hers is all straight up business when it comes to Lily. The first thing he asked when he came to see me was if I was really serious about her.

I of course said "yes" because ever since I met her she's the first person I think of when I wake in the mornings and go to sleep at night. I think of her when she's not around, I love her smile, how she's friendly, knows what she wants and how she cares for others. I love her for just being herself.

I could grow old with her if she'd let me.

Once I had said "yes" to the lawyer he asked me if I was man enough for her to take a 3 year deal of underground fighting instead of the 5 years I had to get out early.

After talking to Jack and reading the letter Lily had left for me I accepted the deal.

I think she's just scared she'll lose a family she just got and is afraid to get close in case if something does happen. She won't feel as alone as she did when her mother passed.

I took the picture of us out of the envelope to looked at it again. I will give her the 3 years to leave and think whatever she wants but, once I'm out! I will come for her and make her see she belongs with me and her family that she will never have to feel or be alone again.

I will NOT! Let her get away from me like Sarah did to Jack!

So, once my leg is healed, I'll fight hard every damn day to work my way out of here, because I know it won't easy and when I do get out, it will give me great advantage for what Jack was talking about for what was planned before he had left.

Jack told me since Lily got Beast's twin Zest out of prison, Zest and Beast are planning to fix up Zest's old boxing gym that's behind the club for fighting business and training. While Jack and Felix are upping security and looking for Sabrina and her sister so they can get a lead to where Viper's hiding out. From what Jack said, the twins have wanted vengeance against Viper from years ago that Beast never liked to talk about and with Viper kidnapping Lily just added to it.

I snapped out of my thoughts when the guards opened my jail cell door to take me to the prison.

It's going to be a hell of a long... 3 years but, it will be worth it when I finish Thomas off and be free..


🙏 Sooo.... Sorry it took so long to update! Had to work on my #2 book and my tablet cracked & had to get a new one 🌟 vote & comment 📝 if u like like🙋

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