4. Change

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After I gave the news to the staff yesterday. They got busy this morning packing stuff right away. It'll be sad to let them go but, it needs to be done. I'll give each one of them a good recommendation for the hard work they have done for my mother.
I asked Juliet the live in housekeeper if she'd like to move out to L.A. with me. Thankfully she agreed, Juliet has been in our family for years. She's Italian and in her mid sixties, I think. She has always been more of a nanny then a housekeeper to me. She's got that warm loving grandmother homey kind of vibe if you know what I mean. Ever since mother's passing. Juliet has taken it upon herself to be in charge of everything around the house for me. I have no problems with it and I'm glad actually. It's hard to find someone like her that's trustworthy. Besides, I can't cook for shit.

Walking into my room, I laid down on my bed just to think. With me moving things will be a lot different. Before I was in boarding school and had mom, now I'm on my own. I haven't really thought about what I would do for myself with everything that's happened lately and without realizing it, I put my life aside.

Maybe it's time for a change.

With that thought, I decided I could do a small makeover of sorts. First, I'd need to get an insight of what it would be like in the L.A area that I'd be living in. So, reaching over I grabbed my laptop and sat up on my bed.
Thinking it's best, I looked up my condo address first on Google maps. Nice! My mom sure did know how to live. The condo looks great from the point of views I have. Nice, not to classy, overall seems a quiet place, an average home. It also looks like there's a beach in the distance.
Next, I typed in the business address. The place looked a lot different from the condo, not like something my mom would own. But, I have to remember. She was different back then. The place looks as if mom had it as a tattoo shop, but the paint on the building looks so worn out. The lawyer must of meant mom kept the maintenance up on the inside. The windows and doors looked boarded up as if not in business for a long time. But, not in run down kind of way. I'll need to go check it out Friday.
Thinking of Friday, I wonder if it would be a good idea? I could run into Jack and I'm not sure if I'm ready for that. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't scared shitless. He's a fucking dangerous biker for goodness sake. He doesn't know about me. I wonder how he'd react? Would he even care? I don't even know how to tell him he's my father. I'm sure he could figure it out when I show up to moms old shop wondering who in the fuck I am. I mean, from the pictures I've seen. All he has to do is look at my eyes and know. Maybe I should wear sunglasses? If he asks or doesn't believe me. I have my birth certificate in the glove compartment in the car.

After looking at the places I have. I decided that for a makeover for myself. I could start with a few bikinis for my 5' 6" inches for the beach. Get the faded highlights redone for my blonde hair. About clothes? I could get a few new idems for a biker kind of look to fit in like mom did. Thinking of bikers, should I get a motorcycle? My inner voice wonders. I don't know anything about them or even how to ride one. But if I get to know Jack. I could always have my own to learn in the future and order one those sports bikes online and have it delivered to the condo for practice. Then if I ever want, get a real nice Harley or something.

So, for the first time in awhile I made plans for myself and have the whole weekend to do it while the staff finishes packing. Then I'll be ready for a new change by Monday.

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