27. Oh! crap

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I was sitting in the passengers seat of Felix's car when we got some looks as we passed Jack's club in Felix's black Aston Martin Vanquish.

So much for trying to be broke!

As soon as Felix parked the car I got out and went to open the door to the shop when I heard Thomas's pissed off voice behind me. I turned around and sure enough there he was.

" Lily, I don't think it's a good idea for you to just bring people around here on Jack's turf when he's not here!"

"I can do whatever I want! And for your stupid information he's my guard for pricks like you" I say pissed off remembering Friday.

When I yelled that at Thomas people started gathering around seeing what the commotion was about.

Felix comes up between Thomas and I " What the fuck is the meaning of this Lily?" Felix asked.

"He's probably mad because I kicked him in the nuts Friday night for trying to kiss me without my permission" I said defending myself.

As soon as the words were out of my mouth Felix had his gun pointed at Thomas's head.

Oh! Crap!

Just then you could here a bunch of motorcycles coming down the street pulling in at the club. When they noticed people were taking in the seen of the three of us. Jack, Beast and Damien got off their bikes in a hurry and ran over to us.

"What in the fucking hell is going on here Lily?" Jack asked looking at Felix still holding the gun on Thomas.

"Why don't you ask the man here" Felix said looking at Jack.

" Well, Thomas?" Jack asked.

"It was just a misunderstanding that's all!" Thomas said trying to defend himself.

"Bull shit! Speak up or I'll put a bullet in your head" Felix said.

"I kissed Lily on Friday without asking, that's it!" Thomas confessed.

"You piece of shit!" Damien said before he charged at Thomas punching him in the face before they landed on the ground fighting.

"Beast, break them up and hold Thomas somewhere till I straighten things up here" Jack told Beast.

Once Beast had Thomas and took him away. Damien came and stood next to me putting his arms around my waist. His clothes were a little dirty now and had a little cut on his face.

"Show's over NOW! Fucking scram!" Jack yelled and everyone hurried away in every direction.

Now it was just Jack, Felix, Damien and I standing there.

This was my mess so I spoke up first " Jack this is Felix he's been my guard since I was little" I explained who Felix was.

" Nice to meet you Felix" Jack said holding his hand out for Felix to shake. Once they did, Jack looked back over to me.

"Why would you need a guard when you were a little girl Lily?" Jack asked.

Before I could say anything Felix cut in " Mind if we talk Jack? I think I can clear up some things for you."

"Sure, we can talk in my office while Damien can stay here with Lily till we get back" Jack said.

" Alright, see you in a bit Lily" Felix said before they both walked off towards the club while Damien and I went into the shop.


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