31. Okay

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" I know I haven't had time to talk to you but I'm making time now" Jack said to me.


" Okay?... Have a seat, what would you like to talk about?" I asked him getting more comfortable in Damion's lap.

" Your mother"

" What about her?" I asked

"Felix told me the reasons why your mother really left me" he said

" Really?.." I say raising my eyebrows in question at Felix.

" Lily, you have to understand that I told him for your protection" Felix said.

"Well isn't that what I have you for?" I question " Or are you just going to go around blabbing your mouth and putting my life in more danger?" I said getting pissed off trying to get off of Damion's lap but failing since he put his arms around my waist.

" Damien let me get up right now!" I say mad.

" No, your getting mad for no reason, he's just doing his job even if you don't like it" Damien said.

" I just want you to have more protection if something happens to me" Felix said defending his self.

I looked at Felix and then at Jack " Fine!!!" I say defeated and stop struggling in Damion's lap "Felix had no right to tell you anything that was for me to do! And since you want to talk about it, we will! But, I am warning all four of you right now! If any of you ever betray my trust or if things ever get dangerous because of me, I'm gone! Do you get it?!" I say them a little irritated for cornering me like this.

" Felix only told me that your mother left because of my club was to dangerous at the time for her being pregnant with you and that with her being rich made the situation worse, am I right?" Jack asked questioning me now.

" Yes" is the only thing I say.

" Well, I need more of an answer then just a yes, Lily" Jack said.

" What exactly do you want to know? How rich I am!" I question him with a question.

" I just want to understand so I know what I can do to protect you and my club more. Your mother was very good at hiding you but now that it's known your my daughter people will look into it" Jack said a little frustrated of having to explain. He took a deep breath then continued

"Before telling me anything I want you to know that I loved your mother more than anything. When she first left me I was devastated she never said goodbye. She only left me a fucking note with a good friend named Mary that closed up the shop for her. It said she left on her own free will and that she did love me and would always keep the necklace to remember me by, but she needed to be free of my dangerous life style and couldn't take it anymore and not to look for her. I was pissed off and broken hearted, I looked everywhere for her anyway. I realized that after a while I would have to let her go and if she really wanted she could come back to me but, she never did. After so many years you came to her shop and gave me hope again. But then you told me she died and I felt destroyed. Then you showed me those papers and I finally understood her. Your the only part of her that I have left and I'll be damned if I lose you to."

" Is that why you haven't asked Beth to be your old lady?" I ask trying to change the subject before I started crying.

"Yes, but don't change the subject" Jack said.

" Well I always knew mom was wealthy but I didn't know how much or really cared. She told me at the hospital that you didn't know so I wasn't worried about it. When the letter was read it said she wanted me to move here to get a chance to know you and for you to know about me.

Then the Will was read, I was really shocked at the amount. I decided for my protection I would alter some of my information so no one can dig into it. I only have what I want people to see when they try to look in my business.

No one knows how rich I am. You all have only seen my Lamborghini and I put it away yesterday to make it look like I had to sell it since mom died to help pay my bills for the shop, condo and my motorcycle"

" You have a motorcycle? Damien asked.

" Yes, but I don't know how to ride it" I say.

" Well, I can teach you if you want" Damien offered.

" I would like that" I say to him.

" You better be careful with her when you do Damien" Jack said to Damien then looked back at me.

" Lily! your changing the subject again"

" Fine,.. just so you know I don't think money is everything and I chose to be here because your my father and it was my mother's wish " 

So, taking a deep breath in and out I tell them just how much money I have " I was left with $6,000,000"

" Holy shit!" Beast said for the first time letting me hear his voice.

" Hot damn!" Damien said.

Felix whistles and Jack just stares at me for a few minutes.

" This is a very serious matter! I thought I understood Sarah for wanting to keep our child safe and out of danger but the letter said her point of view, I REALLY GOT HER FUCKING POINT OF VIEW NOW!!" Jack said yelling all pissed off standing up from his chair pacing back and forth then stopped " I think she put you in more danger by leaving you with all that and your only what 18 years old?"

" Yes" I say.

" Come on Beast, we got shit to do and in the meantime, Damien! stay with Lily. Are you watching her home Felix?" Jack asked him.

"Yes" Felix said.

" Good, and Lily don't run off alone, just keep up what you've been doing" Jack said looking at me like my mom did before him and Beast walked out the door.

Is this what it's like to have a father?


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