53. Run

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Blinking my eyes open, I sat up on my living room sofa rubbing my eyes.

" I'm glad to see your awake" Mr Lo- my godfather said sitting across from me on the other sofa.

I really have to get used to calling him that!

Looking behind him I noticed there were seven men standing around in the room.

"Oh! Don't mind them, their just my guard's. Since you fainted I decided to have them come in and not stand around outside. When I first made the arrangements for you to move in here. I wasn't to worried about you needing guards or having Felix here as seeing there's the whole motorcycle club thing that your father owns should have been enough to keep you safe." He said" but sometimes I make mistakes that I'll be sure not to repeat again. It seems that even Felix and his crew were not enough security and that's something I'll have to fix before leaving from here." He said then asked me

" Do you really care that much for the boy Damien that you fainted when I said he could get up 5 years in prison?"

"Yes I do and....

Here goes nothing!

" I'm also pregnant by him" I say looking at his face to see his reaction

" I see..." he said rubbing his chin " Well... That changes things"

" What things?" I asked

" Well, for starters how long do you think you can go on acting like an average woman, when in fact your rich? I thought it was a great idea at first, so it wouldn't cause a lot attention to yourself but, you get attention regardless. Now, since it's not just you to think about anymore. You can't keep pretending to be someone you're not. You have to step up and be the rich woman you are. I'm not saying to run off like your mother did, and not come back-

"How did- " I tried interrupting, but got cut off

" Yes, I know she left and didn't come back because, as I told you when you came into my main office for the Will. I did side personal things for your mother and one of those things was to leave no trails when one wants to disappear" he said before taking a deep breath

" As I was saying, Since your my goddaughter and I'm responsible for your safety I think it's best if you leave from here until you have your child. Go out relax, tour, in joy the world before your child is born. A lot of stress is not good for you in your condition. I'll see about getting Damien at least just a 3 year sentence. There is only so much I can do as the police were there at the seen. In the meantime I will have a talk with Jack and Felix about security. I am not happy at all that you have gotten kidnapped. Jack maybe your father and a club owner, but in the eyes of the mafia. I'm the mafia attorney that's responsible for the most respected past mafia Don's granddaughter's safety. It would be seen as a weakness if I could not respect your grandfathers last wishes to keep you safe and happy." he finished saying

"I thought about running but, Jack would be so... upset if I left, he is a great dad. I haven't even got to call him that to his face yet! I know he'd try and talk me into staying." I said not sure what to do

" Lily, I will talk to Jack and explain why it's best for you to leave for now. He'll understand that it's best so he can make it safe for when you return here in the future. Felix will have to understand also, he loves you almost like a daughter and your the closest person to a family he has." Valentini said trying to convince me that it's best.

" There is also some good news out of all of this" he said to lighten up the mood

" Yeah, what is it?" I asked

" Last night when I got off the phone about Damien's case I checked up on Zest's and he can be released any time the paperwork is brought in. I brought it with me in case you'd like to pick him up" he said

" Really!" I asked excited knowing Beast would be so happy!

" Yes" he said taking papers out of a briefcase that was near him

" Before I give you these, do you agree that it's best for you to leave, just until Damion's out of jail and I have made sure that Jack and Felix has made it safe for you and your child to come back?" He asked

After thinking about it for a few minutes I do think it's best. I have been causing lot of trouble for Jack's club and I'm a member that hasn't really done anything  worthwhile, and since Damien will be gone for a while at least I can get Zest back for them.

" Yes" I say agreeing

" Good!" He said handing me the paperwork

"Maybe it would be a good idea to write Jack and them a letter to explain things, because if you call or see them face to face it will be harder to leave" he said trying to make things easier for me.

" Yeah I'll do that, but I'm supposed to call and let Jack know about Damien" I said remembering

" I'll call Felix and take care of it. In the meantime have Juliet pack things to take to one of your other houses" he said

" Okay, I'll do that" I said standing up to find Juliet while I seen my godfather get on his cell phone

" Hey, Juliet" I said when I seen her at the coffee pot in the kitchen

" Hey, you doing OK?" She asked

" Yeah, I'll explain later but in the meantime, remember when I said I got other houses and asked if you wanted to take care of one if I decided to ever leave here for a while?" I asked her

"Yes, I remember" she said

" Well, can you pack up some things here because I decided it's time to go for a while" I say

" Sure, I'll start right away" Juliet said

" Great, thank you! " I said then grabbed a notebook and pen off the counter to write down my other house address that we were going to and handed it to her.

" I'll be there in a few days time, there is something I have to take care of first" I say still holding Zest's papers in my hand.

After I left Juliet in the kitchen, I went up to my room and sat on the bed for a few minutes to think about what I was about to do, then packed some of my things.

If I'm going to be the rich woman I am, I'm going to start by getting my Lamborghini out of storage that my grandfather got me. So, with that in mind I went down stairs and put the cover over my Corvette and grabbed the dusty jewelry box that I still haven't opened and went back to Valentini to ask if one of his guards could take me to the storage unit where my Lamborghini was sitting at.


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