49. Thomas

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After Viper and the two men that helped Thomas in the room left. I was still on the mattress glaring at Thomas through the bars, and he on the couch looking back at me.

" I can make you happy if you'd just give me a chance" he said before taking a big swig out of his tequila bottle.

" I don't want to give you a chance, I have Damien-" I was saying when he cut me off

" What does he have that I don't? Huh! I have a club, money, bikes. I'm also the next president of my father's club, I can get anything you want, even drugs! What will it take for you to want me?" He asked a little sluggish from the tequila

Getting up off the mattress I walked back over to the door putting my hands on the bars "First of all! I don't like Damien for any of those reasons!" I say thinking to myself that I had all that, but a bit different before I kept talking " I like Damien because he doesn't do drugs, he's a persistent loving caring person and fun to be around and makes me happy when I'm near him-" I was saying before he cut me off again " I could be that way too!-" he said taking another drink from the bottle before throwing it against the wall

" No...! Your not, the first time that I met you, there was something about you that gave me the creeps. I wasn't sure what it was at first so I didn't question it, until you kissed me without asking, that's not something some women like. You also tried to run my guards off the road, shot Beast and had your men use chloroform to knock me out twice and kidnapped me. Don't even get me started with all the shit that your father has done to my father and his friends!" I said taking a deep breath "You and your father are both selfish motherfuckers that do anything and hurt anyone for what you want! I'll never want you"

"Well, to bad for you that your all mine now! Even if you like it or not, If I wasn't shot up by your fucking bodyguard, I'd come over there and shut your mouth by shoving my cock down your throat before taking you over and over again till you beg me to stop, and then I'll fill you with my seed to have my child just so I can humiliate Damien and your father with my accomplishments" he said laughing ready to pass out.

I still don't know if I'm pregnant or not! I really need to get outta of here.

I thought as I leaned against the wall sliding down to sit on the floor putting my arms around my knees while crying

If he passes out, I could finally try to use the spring in my pocket!

After waiting for about a half hour later, I heard Thomas snoring and a guard peaking though the small window in the door. When he moved away from the door I got up and began picking at the lock.

For what seemed like forever I heard a click and the door popped open


I thought just as I heard some yelling and guns going off on the other side of the door

I hope it's Damien or my father! I never want to be in a situation like this ever again! I don't even want to think about if something happens to one of them because of me. If I get out of this, I think I'm gonna run like my mother did so nothing happens on my account. I don't want to lose a family I just got

Seeing that Thomas was about to wake up from all the noise, I quickly ran over to the small window door peeking out. Their were no more guards guarding the door so I carefully opened it and looked around for a way out.

" Where do you think your going?" Thomas asked from behind trying to get up off the couch

" Away from you!" I said before taking off running, just to hide behind some crates so I didn't get hit by any flying bullets

Hiding and ducking behind crates as I made my way to the exit. I was almost there on the left side of the huge warehouse doors when I seen my father, Felix, Damien , Beast and a few other men on the outside side of the doors ducking and shooting from behind some cars to the inside of the warehouse on the far right hand corner where Viper and his men were.

When Damien spotted me, he made his way closer from the outside as my father covered him.

Just as I was about to run to him, Thomas grabbed me from around the waist stopping me pulling me against his chest while trying to shoot Damien.

Without a second thought I elbowed Thomas in the stomach before dashing out the door. Just as I made it to Damien and turned back to look, Thomas had his gun pointed right at me.

Before he had time to shoot, Damien fired his gun shooting Thomas in the chest

" NO!!!" Viper screamed as Thomas's body hit the ground

" I'll kill you for sure Damien! If it's the last thing I ever do! Mark my words! You and that little bitch of yours" Viper screamed

After a couple more shots from each group you could hear sirens in the distance getting closer.

" Damien, we have to get out of here before the cops get here!" my father said

" Take Lily and get out of here while I hold Viper and them off! I'll be right behind you " Damien yelled back over the noise

" Come on Lily we need to get you out of here!" My father said as he and the rest of the men pulled back

" No, we can't leave Damien! " I screamed at him

" Lily, we don't have a choice, he'll be ok, the cops are almost here" he shouted at me

" No! I'm not Leaving him " I said as I was scared

" Beast, grab her and let's get outta here!" My father yelled to Beast

Without a second thought, Beast threw me over his shoulder and started running while I was pounding on his back

Glancing up as Beast was still running, I seen Damien dive behind a car just as his leg got hit with a bullet as police cars were pulling into where he was at

" Damien!" I cried as Beast set me on his lap getting in the car


Vote 🌟 & comment 📝 if u like, a few more chapters left before the second book, Sorry it took awhile to update 🌸I've been super busy 🌸

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