41. Reminisce

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" Juliet, don't forget Jack is coming over to dinner at six" I said reminding her before Damien and I walked out the door.

After Damien dropped me off at the shop I flipped my open sign and got busy till he came back to pick me up at lunch time.

I was moving some small paint cans and brushes out of the back room of the shop for Hanna so she could paint designs on the waiting room wall when Damien came in.

" Are you ready to go?" He asked

" Yeah, just let me tell Jason real quick" I said as I sat the cans down by the couch and went to Jason's work station.

" I'm leaving now and please! Don't say anything to Hanna about what I said yesterday" I said as I stuck my head into Jason's room door while he was changing a needle in the machine.

" I won't, have fun shopping" he said teasing me knowing I'm going shopping for two cars.

" I will" I say laughing going back down the hall to Damien.

After we visited a couple of dealers we decided to just get Hanna a new Honda Civic to replace the old one. Me on the other hand, I couldn't find myself driving anything cheaper than a Corvette so I got a black one.

The dealer said he could have Hanna's car dropped off at the shop tomorrow afternoon and I hoped she'd except it as a gift since Thanksgiving is Thursday and Christmas is next month.

I wanted to go through mom's old box of pictures before Jack came over to dinner. So, I told Damien I would drive the Corvette home and he understood that I needed to spend some time alone with Jack so we agreed to see each other tomorrow at the shop.

It was about five a clock by the time I got home and had enough time to shower and grab mom's box. While I was looking through the pictures I had skimmed over the last time. I recognized some of the younger versions of some of the people that I had seen in Jack's club. Especially Beast and a woman together with mom but, as I kept looking through the pictures I realized it wasn't Beast at all.

What the fuck?

I thought as I came across a picture of two younger looking Beast's. I would never had guessed or believed that Beast was a twin if I didn't see these pictures.

Just as I was about to look at the rest I heard Juliet yell that Jack was here.

"Have a seat" I tell Jack when I seen him walking in the kitchen " Thanks" he said taking a seat right across from me.

" I was just looking at some old pictures that might interest you" I said as Juliet sat our plates down.

" Thank you" Jack said to her as she turned to leave.

" What kind of pictures?" He asked casual picking up his fork.

"Just some old pictures mom had in a box of you and her and some of a man and a woman. The man looked a lot like Beast, but after I looked through a couple more I noticed it wasn't him at all! but his twin! " I said as I looked up from my plate to Jacks shocked face as his fork dropped to the table.

" Are you serious?" Jack said still in shock for some reason.

" Yeah, why? Their right here!" I said pushing the box across the table for him to see.

I watched as he looked through the pictures one after the other in shock like he couldn't believe it.

" After Mary's house exploded we thought we lost everything in that fire!" he said in awe after a minute

" Who's Mary and what house exploded?" I ask curious now.

" Remember when Beast walked out of your shop yesterday and I asked if we could finish the conversation today?" He said

" Yes " I said and nodded my head

" Well, Mary was the sister of the president from the Black Devil's gang and his name is Viper-" Jack was saying before I interrupted

" The same gang that's after me?" I asked

"Yes! and as I was saying; she was his sister and your mother's best friend! Your mother and Mary did everything together. Mary had just left a bad relationship so Sarah thought it would be a good idea and brought Mary over to the shop and that's when she met Beast's twin brother Zest. After Mary and Zest were together for a couple of months Mary found out she was a month and a half pregnant with Zest's baby. The man in Mary's past relationship wanted her back and she refused. So, when Zest and the rest of my club were out on a run the man found out she was pregnant so he blew up Mary's house with her in it. When Zest found out he went and confronted the guy in a fit of rage. The man was killed and Zest got arrested." Jack said flipping through some more pictures.

" Beast and his brother were inseparable! And after that day when Zest went to prison, Beast hasn't been the same and feels responsible for not being able to help his brother more. The Black Devil's gang still blame me and my club for not protecting Mary. That's why Beast and I think the Devil's want you to make up for what happened by trying to make you be with Thomas" Jack finished, letting me process everything he just said.

Holy fuck!

" I will never be with Thomas! He gives me the creeps!" I say

"I know and that's why Beast and Damien have been on edge. They don't want to fail in protecting you and have the past repeat itself" He said.


" Well! I don't want them to think I'm their responsibility" I finally said after a few minutes.

" I think Damien is in love with you and Beast feels protective of you because he wasn't able to help his brother and doesn't want nothing to happen to Damien like Zest" Jack said probably hoping I'd understand.

" I don't want them to ever feel guilty about anything that isn't their fault" I say in frustration.

" I know that and they are just a little to hard headed to understand at the moment" he said

After that we ate in silence until Juliet came back to take our plates.

The way that Jack first looked at those pictures, I wonder... What would Beast think?

" You can have those pictures if you like" I said looking at him to see what he thought.

" Do you mind if I give some to Beast? He might want to send them to his brother in prison." Jack asked.

"I don't mind and I'm sure my mother would've wanted that" I say.

" Thanks, and I'm sure Beast and Zest would appreciate it" he said.

" Your welcome" I say just as he got a text from his phone.

After he looks at it he looked up at me " Beth wants to know if your still coming over for Thanksgiving?" He asks.

" Yes, and if you don't mind I'll bring Juliet with me? We will bring some homemade pie" I say.

" Sure! that would be great! And if you don't mind I should get going it's getting pretty late and I'd really like to show these to Beast" Jack said

" It's okay and thanks for coming over" I said as we both stood up so I could help him put the pictures back in the box.

Once we said our goodbyes and he left, I went to my room and laid on the bed thinking about what Jack said about Beast not wanting nothing to happen to Damien like Zest. Did he mean prison?

I don't want Beast thinking I'm his responsibility or have anything done to Damien because I would feel guilty, I mean he already got shot and saved me once and I said thank you but...

What if I can get Zest out of prison for a better thank you? I know I got the money for it. Maybe that could change things!

I'll call Mr Lopez tomorrow and see what he can do. I think before I went to sleep.


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