12. Greetings

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Walking into Jack's club with the hot guy Damien behind me I wasn't sure what to expect. I thought maybe the place would look a little run down with drunks & strippers everywhere but, that wasn't the case.
Instead the place looked like any modern updated club would. It had a homey biker kind of vibe. There were a few people sitting at the bar and at various tables around the room.
I noticed Jack sitting in a corner table right away. He had a window view that could overlook everything outside. There were a few men and women sitting around his table that had similar vests like he was wearing.

I was really surprised when I felt Damien take my hand, pulling me in Jack's direction.

When we got to the table they looked up, stopping the conversations they were having. When they noticed Damien's hand in mine they seemed as surprised as I was. Like not something you'd ever see him do.
Jack decided to be the first one to speak "Guys this is Lily, as you know I just found out yesterday that she's my daughter. She's the new owner of the little shop across the street" he said, in a proud kinda way greeting me.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you guys" I say, with a little wave with my hand.

The woman sitting next Jack spoke up next "Why don't you have a seat so we can get better acquainted?" She nodded, at an empty space across from her.

"Sure" I say, tugging my hand out of Damien's to slide in the empty seat. Only for him to sit right next to me.

"My names Beth and this is Jenny, John, Mac and of course you just met Damien here" she said, pointing at each person.

I just give them a slight nod because I didn't know what to say.

The guy Mac asks" Where are you from?" To break the silence after a couple of seconds.

"Las Vegas" I reply, keeping my answer short.

"What made you want to come all the way out Los Angeles?" The woman Jenny asked.

"My mom past away and thought it be a better idea for me to move this way" I said, then continued " What about you guys? Are you all from around here?" I ask, trying to direct the questions away from me.

" I was born and raised here and took over the club after my old man" Jack said.

Then the others stated off were they were from and everything turned into simple conversations, mostly about business. During the evenings they run a motorcycle shop in the back of the club and on the weekends use the front as a nightclub.
When they asked what I was doing with the shop. I said I was keeping it as a tattoo shop and if they knew anyone with experience that was looking for a job to come over and talk to me when I'm ready to open the place.
Throughout the whole time we were at the table. Damien had his arm on the back of my seat. Setting a little closer to me than what was normal for a person you just met. The others noticed this but didn't say anything. It was like he was staking a claim without having to say a word.
His presence could be felt all around me keeping me warm. I kinda liked it because he was hot. I knew I could get used to it if I let him, but I didn't know him. He could be a player for all I knew. So with that in mind and much to his disappointment I wouldn't let him get away with it again.
Feeling kind of hungry and not getting anything done at the shop today. I decided I needed to get going before it got to late. So, looking over at Damien the second time today seeing those beautiful eyes of his.

" I better get going it's getting late" I say.

Then looked over to Jack "I'll be back over tomorrow to get some cleaning and painting done. Just come on over if you wanna talk or need anything" I said, as Damien moved out of his seat so I could get up.

Jack stood up as the others did. Needing to get stuff done and move around from sitting to long.
Before I could turn to leave Jack spoke "Thanks for coming over today. Maybe I'll stop by tomorrow and we could talk a little more then. Damien here seems to have taken a liken to you. I'll let him walk you out if you'd like?"

" Yeah, that'll be fine thanks, I'll see you tomorrow"

The woman Beth and Jenny bid me a "good night" while the John guy and Mac gave a nod.

After that Damien took my hand pulling me from the club over to my car then looked at me "It was nice meeting you today. I hope I see you around here a lot more. Your an interesting girl I'd like to get to know better"

Shocked, but not sure if I believed him "Thanks, you look kinda hot and interesting to"

He laughed a little when I blushed, realizing what I just said.

"Well, I better get going. I just need to lock the door to the shop first" I said, moving away from him to lock the door.

When I walked back to my car and opened the door I looked back at him "I'll see you tomorrow."

Before the door closed all the way, I think I heard him say "I'm counting on it"


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