40. Opening

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After Damien and I had gotten to my condo on Friday afternoon, Felix called and said he'd be over at the shop on Monday to give us news about what he found out about the casino incident. Then we went straight away to get some rest so I could get rid of the headache I had. By the time we woke up it was night out so we decided to stay in bed and watch some movies till Juliet brought us some dinner.

All Saturday and Sunday Damien had given me some riding lessons on my bike. I did pretty good but still needed more practice before I could be on my own and get tested.

Other than that we had a nice weekend with just the two of us and now it's Monday morning and I'm on the back of Damien's bike holding onto his chest. A little nervous because I'll be opening the shop for the first time and hope everything goes well.

I've also been dreading about what Felix had to say but I didn't mention it to Damien. He's still pissed off about what happened at the casino that I knew he couldn't wait to get back to the club and talk to Jack about it. I think the reason he hasn't gone before now is because he feels guilty for not being there to save me when the incident happened.

Pulling up to the club Damien helped me off his Harley when I seen Jason standing on the porch.

" Hanna hasn't showed up yet but I know she'll be here any moment and I got a couple of guys coming over throughout the day wanting their tattoos fixed " Jason said as we walked up the porch steps and sat in the chairs that were there.

" Sounds good" I said to him just as we see Hanna driving to my shop in a beat up old Honda that sounded like shit.

Damn! I'll have to recertify that for her. If I was in a situation like that with a kid on my own, I would want someone to help me out that could.

I looked over at Damien as I stood back up "Well, there's Hanna I better get over there and start my day"

" Hold on I want to give you something before you go over" Damien said before he went in the club and came back out with an opened and closed sign.

Laughing while taking it I say " Thanks" remembering when we kept getting interrupted in our alone time.

" Yeah, well I think you need it" he said smirking at me "And good luck on your first opening day" he added giving me a kiss before Jason and I walked over to the shop to meet Hanna. 

Today had been better than I expected it to and no drama. I thought as I was sitting at my chair watching the last person leave while listening to the radio. Hanna left a few minutes ago after she finished her last customer.

Jason on the other hand was probably cleaning up his station for the day. I know he had been pretty busy today and whatever tips he had he earned them.

Sure enough he came out a few minutes later smelling a little like bleach. " Do you mind if I play the video game?" He asked

" You should know by now that I don't care. Damien and Felix should be over in a few minutes" I said leaning back in my chair singing along to AC/DC's You Shook Me All Night Long.

After a while when Jason was playing the video game and I was looking over the appointment book for tomorrow's schedule. Damien, Felix, Jack, Beast and Kevin came through the door.

Kevin went right over to play the video game with Jason while Damien came straight over to me.

" How was your day?" Damien asked lifting me so I was in his lap as usual.

" Good, how was yours?" I ask and he clenches his jaw and making a fist with his hands.

" Stressful"  he finally says leaning me back against his chest.

Felix walks over and sat at the edge of my desk looking at me hesitating" Lily... " Felix said but stopped.

"Felix just spit it out, whatever you have to say just say it!" I said as I sighed getting irritated knowing whatever he had to say must not be good.

Felix looked over to Jack and Beast before looking back at me " When I looked over the surveillance cameras from the casino I seen that Thomas was with some of the members of the Black Devil's gang" he said waiting for my reaction.

What the fuck!

Jack must've seen the blank look on my face " And that's not all" Jack said

Blinking my eyes before looking at Jack to continue" I had some men look into Thomas and found out he was the mole in my club and he's the son of the Black Devil's President"

" Why in the fuck would they want me? " I asked Jack

Beast stands up with a pained expression on his face looking at Jack before walking out the door.

What the hell was that about?

" Do you mind if we finish this discussion tomorrow when I come over to your place for dinner?" Jack asks.

" Yeah, sure" I said unsure of what to think at the moment.

" We'll keep you safe Lily and find out if Thomas and his father have any other motives " Felix said standing up ready to leave.

" What time would you like me to come over to your place?" Jack asked

" About six, I'll be here half the day tomorrow then I have something do" I say before Jack goes out the door with Felix.

" And what do you have to do tomorrow?" Damien asks looking down at me with raised eyebrows.

" Well, until I'm able to ride a bike on my own, I'd like to go into town and buy me a car and maybe one for Hanna. I seen her car this morning and I'd like to help her out" I say.

" Awe!... that's generous of you" Damien said giving me a kiss. "Would you like me to go and help you out?"

" Yes please!" I say

"That car of hers did sound like shit this morning! " Jason said listening into our conversation.

That's what I thought!

" Do you feel like closing the shop tomorrow?" I ask looking over at Jason

"Yeah, and if you don't mind afterwards if Kevin comes back over so he and I can play your game? We've been trying to avoid some chicks"

" I don't care as long as they don't end up here" I say

" Thanks, and they know better" he said

" Would you like to go home now?" Damien asks

" Yes" I say getting up from his lap

" Jason don't forget to lock up when you and Kevin leave" I say

" Alright, will do!" Jason said when Damien and I walked to the door.

"Well, bye guys I'll see you tomorrow!" I said as heard them both say " bye" as we went out the door.


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