13. Mine!

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Sitting here across from Jack and Beth. I was wondering if I had ever seen him this worked up before. I mean, from what I hear he meant business yesterday when he ran everyone off that wasn't an immediate club member after he stormed out of his office. The club looked half empty compared to how it usually is. He had all the old ladies clean up the place.
I wasn't here yesterday when the girl showed up, but everyone that was said she looked rich and respectable pulling up in a Lamborghini.
Jack didn't want to many people here today when she came back not wanting to scare the girl off.

I can't even imagine what's going on in his head right now.

No one could blame him though, finding out the woman he had loved years ago ran off not knowing why. Being the most respected president of a motorcycle gang. It should've been easy finding her but, it wasn't.
It only took a chick to pull up on our turf at the woman's abandoned shop for Jack having to go over there getting information as to why she was there.
Then for her to say she was the daughter of the women that owned the place saying her mom died a month ago and to top it all off, she was Jack's daughter.
Jack was like a father to me. He took me in when I had no one. Seeing him like this tore me up inside knowing I couldn't do nothing to help him like he did for me.
Jack looked broken and proud at the same time. Broken about the woman dying and proud of the daughter he had seen yesterday.

Looking over at Jack's girlfriend Beth. I thought she'd be pissed when she found out but surprised the fuck out of me when she wasn't. Then I remembered a while back someone said she couldn't have kids.

Snapping to attention when I saw a black car pass, Jack looked to me.

"Lily's here, why don't you go over there and see if she'd like to come over here?"

"Yeah, sure thing" I said getting up.

Once I was outside I stood on the porch watching across the street. I do gotta say she had a nice ass ride. When the door to the car opened up and the chick stepped out.


She was the most beautiful woman ever! No wonder Jack looked proud. I've been with a few women in my time but, this girl put them to shame.
I kept standing there watching her after she closed the door to the car then went to open the shop. I was about to step off the porch to go over when I seen her come back out.
Curious of what she was doing. I stayed there watching while she went around the building, coming back with a ladder setting it near the boarded window.
Right away I could tell she didn't have it up properly. She then went to the front of the shop for a crowbar.
Thinking she would fix the ladder when she came back, she didn't. Knowing she was about to fall. I jumped off the porch and ran over just in time to catch her.

When she turned around hot, damn!! I could've creamed in my pants! She was hot!

She had the most beautiful blue eyes! There was no doubt about it. You could tell right away she was Jack's daughter.

"Thanks," was the first thing I heard her say.

The only thing I could think at the moment was " Your welcome, you must be Lily" holding my hand out to her.

She's probably the first woman I ever wanted to impress.

She made me feel nervous, which I never am. So I just introduced myself. "I'm Damien Black" and to keep the conversation going, I added "You gave Jack quiet the news yesterday"

I think I made the wrong move by saying that cause she replied annoyed " Yeah, I would have given him the news another way if he hadn't cornered me the way he did"

"Yes, well... that was unfortunate, anyhow he asked me to come see if you wanted to come over to the club for a bit?" I said defending Jack.

" Yeah... I could come over for a little while at least" she said, uncertain.

The whole way over I let her walk in front so I could stare at her ass. When we got to the door of the club she stopped. I guess looking for Jack. She didn't seem to notice all the guys in the room checking her out. I didn't like it, so right then and there, I decided I would like to claim her as mine! If she likes me, I dared anyone say anything.

Except, Jack!

Without another thought, I grabbed her hand pulling her to Jack's table. They looked surprised when they seen her hand in mine. But they know I would never do this with other chicks. Jack knows I was serious and would treat her right if Lily gave me the chance.
After Jack introduced her as his daughter. Beth introduced everyone at the table offering Lily a seat. I decided to test her to she if she liked me.
By testing her. I sat right down beside her as close as I could, putting my arm behind her seat. It didn't seem to bother her and the others saw this. They knew I was claiming her without having to saying anything.
We all had easy conversations till Lily looked at me saying it was getting late and she had to go. Jack knew I didn't want her to go so soon. So he asked her if she didn't mind me walking her out.

When she said yes I took her hand pulling her outside to her car "It was nice meeting you today. I hope I see you around here a lot more. Your an interesting girl I'd like to get to know better"

"Thanks, you look kinda hot and interesting to" she replied.

When she said I looked hot and realized what she said, her blush put a smile on my face making me laugh.

When she was about to close her door she said " I will see you tomorrow "

"I'm counting on it" I said, out loud not sure if she heard me. Because that I was! I was going to make her mine and make sure everyone knew it.


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