Are You Ready? - Erik Lehnsherr

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You almost slammed the door in his face. For months he had shrugged off your offers of help, understanding and love, and you had had enough of trying to get his attention.


"No, Erik," you sighed. "I've had enough. I'm always here and you just ignore me."

"I don't mean to," he pleaded, standing out on the rain, getting soaked to the brim. "(Y/N), you have to understand. It's hard for me to trust again, to love again. I've lost too many people, I don't want to lose you, too."

"It's not an excuse," you said, moving aside to allow him to walk into your home. "But, it's a good enough reason... I'm sorry I was so fed up, Erik, I just thought you didn't want me, that you didn't love me the way I love you."

"I do love you," he reassured, shrugging off his wet coat and hanging it up on one of the pegs that were beside the door. "I walked here to you in the rain, this is how much I love you."

"But are you sure you're ready to love again?" You asked softly, carding a hand through his soaked hair.

"I think so," he admitted.

"What else can I say except I love you, too."

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