Chapter 2: A Tale of Old

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Times were simpler then.

As a child, I knew not of bloodshed, fighting, war... my innocence brought around my ignorance to the world. I thought that not getting my toys was the worst, not getting what I wanted was when I couldn't get some toy or food. I thought that there was nothing more to life than playing around.

When I became an adult, I was part of the war, fighting the neverending war, for what? I didn't know. Comrades died in front of my eyes, loved ones killed, families destroyed, remnants of lives were of broken families, together we lived in hopelessness, in a war torn land.

I had the feeling all lives lost in the war was just another grain of sand in the unending flow of time in the hourglass of time. My life included, was just another spark, hot but short-lived and without an impact on the war or the world.

There was not much I could do, my Puppets and I were not enough to solve anything. I didn't have the strength to topple any country's king, nor did any of my comrades. My Puppets and my comrades were dead. What was left for them to kill? I was basically dead myself.

We never knew the meaning of the war, what exactly were we fighting for? What was our goal? All the fighting, the deaths, the destroyed homes, families and places, all things ruined, for what? There had to be a piece of the puzzle everyone was missing. There were no records I knew off that held the information we needed. All records of the war from back then were destroyed around 200 years ago, where many capitals burnt down from the raging war, along with them the libraries and archives. The current kings of all countries are fighting a war they don't know the reason to, all thinking that another country started it. Malira was being destroyed more and more, day by day. Soon there will be nothing left to destroy, nothing left of a country to protect.

The gods must've forsaken the entire continent for all this to happen, hell, it may have been the entire world.

If there was a way to make everything right, to end the war, I wanted it. The cost of it didn't matter, even if it meant my death. I didn't want any more lives of innocent people, the next generation and even the current and previous to be wasted in the fight. I wanted to find a way to bring peace to all of Malira.

If there only a way... but I doubted it. I was lying in a pool of my own blood, with a blade right through my right lung. I could feel the blood getting into it... I was going to drown in my own blood, on dry land. The war wasn't going to end anytime soon. My life was just another life to lose, adding to the pool of lost lives...

"Are you sure about that, boy?"

I was hearing voices in my head, I must have been going crazy. To die while losing my sanity... it was funny.

"Listen to me, boy! You want a way to stop this war? Yes? Then I am giving you one, for I am Kuronosuiken, the Spirit of Time and Dark Waters. Sleep now, boy. Wake up soon, and make use of what you can."

My eyelids grew heavy. Slowly, I closed my eyes, and breathed my last breath.

Or, so I thought.
My eyes opened to a familiar setting. A setting that should no longer be visible. This place was my home on Tendo, destroyed in the war by the Magus 35 years ago...

No... it wasn't a dream. I was dying, and know, I was home. Something had happened, did a miracle occur and restore Malira...? No, it wasn't restored... it was reverted. Everything was reverted to its state 35 years ago. Even me.

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