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I giggled as Freya gulped down a glob of peanut butter from a spoon, trying to keep the crumbs of a chocolate chip cookie in my mouth whilst doing so.

"What happened to my last Dr Pepper?" Josh interrogated, slamming the door to the fridge closed. Freya contains her laughter and discretely points at me, while I make really unattractive sounds to calm myself from busting out into an evil cackle. "Andrea," Josh whines, tilting his head back as he continues to moan and groan.

"You're so annoying," I huff, walking over to the fridge. Josh watches with astonishment as I pull out a liter of his favorite drink, a smile forming on his face. "I drank your last one this morning and got this for you in return," I explain.

"You're forgiven," he teases, taking the bottle and rushing off to his room. I roll my eyes and let out a short giggle.


3 hours ago

drearosex last day of holiday with my babes and annoying ass bro :(

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drearosex last day of holiday with my babes and annoying ass bro :(

528.7k likes     2.1k comments

freyanightingale Lovelovelove you!!

ksi Peng tings
zerkaahd @ksi oi, that's my sister and girlfriend you're hitting on. Watch out mate.

miniminter If you're sick of him, I'll gladly have him back
drearosex @miniminter he's all yours :)


"What the hell?" Freya shouts, sprinting into my room. She's grinning from ear to ear as she flops onto my bed, phone in hand.

"What?" I chuckle.

"You and Simon!" she exclaims as she holds up her phone and presents our comments. I roll my eyes but Freya only focuses on the massive smile on my face. "I didn't know you two were talking again."

"We aren't," I reply. It was her turn to roll her eyes.

"Why not?" she pouts.

"He broke up with me, remember?" I question.

"No," she argues, "it was a mutual breakup." I stay silent as I stand corrected. "You both didn't want a long distance relationship. It'd be too hard on both of you."

"Why do you have to remember everything?" I chuckle.

"Didn't you guys agree to be friends at least?" she questions, ignoring my remark.

"Yeah, but we haven't talked since the day after we broke up," I reply.

"Pathetic," she huffs, standing up. "May have to go visit him then."

"No, Frey. No matchmaking service," I scold.

"You did that shit on me and Josh!" she exclaims.

"And you already had your chance with hooking Simon and I up, you don't get a redo," I chuckle, pulling my eyes back into my book. She scoffs and exits my room.

But I'm unable to regain my focus on my book. My mind was now stuck on Simon, my three years of training gone down the bloody drain. I sigh as I unlock my phone, gazing at his comment one more time. This is the first time he's contacted me in years. Sure he'll occasionally ask how I'm doing or he'd ask how studying abroad was, but only chatting for a few seconds doesn't count in my book.

Already invested in my phone, I click on his profile. Not talking to him for years also meant I hadn't seen him in years. And I'd lie if I said he wasn't peng as hell. The kid definitely had a glo up while I was gone. I refollowed him, regretting my post break up mindset that required deleting him almost completely from my life.

With a heavy chest, I pull up our old texts. For some stupid reason, I still had them. It was funny because I never kept my messages with Josh or my parents. But Simon's, shit, I've had his for over three years.

I smile as I read the most recent conversation we've had, but then frown at the date. Three months ago? I mean, tomorrow would be my first day back in London, so maybe things will change between us?

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