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"Have you got plans today?" Freya asks with a smile, popping her head into my room as I lay flat on my back, staring at my ceiling. I shake my head, sighing. "Let's get you dressed and go walk about town, shall we?"

I pick my head up to look at her with an expression that spoke how crazy I thought she was. She scoffed and rolled her eyes, throwing a pair of light wash, ripped jeans by my feet with a graphic tee. I groaned, sitting up.

"Change and wash your face, we're leaving soon," Freya orders before slipping out of my bedroom.

I do as told, throwing my hair into a ponytail and applying some makeup to help my face not look so dead.

"Lets go!" Freya shouts, clapping her hands after each word. I giggle, grabbing my phone as I jog out to the main area. "Damn, you look good. Who dressed you?" I roll my eyes, a small smile on my face.


"It's a beautiful day!" Freya chanted as she drove us downtown. I was too busy messing around with the filters on Snapchat to pay attention to the sun shining on the joyful pedestrians. It was an odd day in London.

"God, I haven't posted since we were on holiday," I gasp as I look at my Instagram. Freya giggles, insisting I hit my followers with a new post.

just now

drearosex i've been mad inactive on my social mediazzz, soz babes <3

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drearosex i've been mad inactive on my social mediazzz, soz babes <3

408k likes     3.8k comments

zerkaahd My beautiful sisterrrr
drearosex @zerkaahd love u bro

ksi Pengting
zerkaahd @ksi stop.

danielhowell finally blessin my insta
feed once again 👏🏻
drearosex @danielhowell love u ❤️

jopatt grossss
miniminter @jopatt excuse me?
jopatt @miniminter relax, i was

I took a deep breath as I read the comments. Seeing Simon made my happiness fade as I remembered the last thing we discussed. I bit my lip as a new comment rolled in.

miniminter An absolute stunner. How
has a model agency not called
you yet??
drearosex @miniminter maybe you
should hook me up. i bet thousands
of them have been blowing up
your phone.
miniminter @drearosex I'm flattered,
but you're sadly mistaken.
drearosex @miniminter no, i'm not.
you're eye candy mister
minter 😍🤤👅💦
miniminter @drearosex oh how I miss
those emoji conversations we'd have
if no real conversation was being
made 😫
drearosex @miniminter oh you're shit,
only one? 😬🙄😤🤔
miniminter @drearosex don't bully me, Andrea Rose
drearosex @miniminter 😵😵

"What are you smiling at?" Freya teases as she pulls into the car park of the shopping mall. I shut off my phone, shrugging with the straight face I could currently pull. "Guess I'll have to check out the comments on your new photo?" she questions as she points to an Instagram notification on her lock screen, saying I'd posted. I grin, shrugging my shoulders again.

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