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♡ huge time skip ♡

Andrea jolted awake the next morning, clutching her stomach. She let out a muffled scream as she clamped a hand around her mouth. She noticed that she had never felt any kind of pain like this throughout the pregnancy, so maybe the baby's ready? She tapped the sheets beneath her and felt her heart race.

She turns to Simon, shaking him gently. She had to bite down on her lip to distract herself from the pain.

Simon opened his eyes slowly, looking up at her. All he had to do was see the shock in her face to know immediately something was happening. He sat up, jogging over to their wardrobe.

He threw on a tee and some joggers quickly before packing a bag for him and Andrea. He then helped her up, brushed both of their teeth quickly, and rushed them out of the door. Not a word was said to anyone in the house as it was quite early in the morning.

♡ another time skip ♡

"You have to push, Drea!" Simon repeats frantically.

"I'm trying," she sighs, feeling very faint. Her grip began to loosen on Simon's purple hand, a baby's soft cry the last thing she heard before she blacked out completely.

Andrea woke up, sweat pouring from her forehead. Simon stepped back into the room, as if he knew she was awake now, with his head hung low and his eyes puffy and bloodshot.

"Si?" Andrea questions. He steps over to the sink, grabbing the cup that was beside it. Then he makes her drink what's in it — ice cold water. Man, did that feel good. "Can I see the baby?" she asks. Simon nearly broke down once more. "Simon, where's our baby?" Her voice was now shaking with fear.

"He... He didn't make it, Drea," he whispers. Her heart drops, her head shaking fast.

"No, you're lying," she mutters.

"Why would I lie?" he asks with an annoyed chuckle.

"No," is all Andrea can mutter before melting into a sobbing mess on the hospital bed.

♡ hi, there's another time skip ♡

Andrea felt drained as she entered the house. Simon was grabbing the bag from the car and making sure Andrea hadn't forgotten to grab her medications.

A rush of adrenaline kicked in, Andrea's pent up anger letting loose as she stormed up the steps, marching into the baby's room. She kicked the crib, not doing a thing to it. This only upset her more.

She grabbed the dresser with both of her hands on each side and toppled it onto its side in one angered heave. She then punched the mirror on the vanity, the changing table set on the desk part. She rips it off the table top and hurls it toward the opposite wall.

She steps back over to the crib, ripping down the mobile and flinging that behind her. Then she grabbed the soft, light brown teddy bear from inside the crib and tore the head off, tossing the two pieces aside. She reached for the blue blanket to shred it with her very own hands, but a pair of arms wrapped tightly around her and whispered in her ear.

"It's okay, Andrea," they whisper as they bring her slowly and gently down to the ground. "It'll all be okay."

"No it won't," Andrea shrieked, sobbing.

"Yes, it will. I promise."

"I want my baby!" she screams, squeezing her eyes shut as if it'd make everything disappear.

"I'm so sorry," Josh mumbles into her shoulder, loosening his grip and crying onto her shirt as she sobbed into the thin air.

"What happened?" Simon asks, dropping the bag and the pill bottles, sliding in front of his fiancée and cradling her head.

"She's made a mess of the room," Josh sighs, analyzing the damage with Simon. Andrea was knocked out in his palms, snot falling from her nose and tears glistening on her cheeks. Blood oozed from her knuckles.

"We need to clean her up and get her into our bed," Simon instructs. "And then I'll come clean this up."

"No, you shouldn't have to do that," Josh argues. "Frey and I can clean this room up. We'll put the furniture in storage and toss the other things."

Simon remains silent, looking down at Andrea's face. He felt his chest tighten and tears splash onto the ground by his knees.

"I'm really sorry, Si," Josh whispers.

"Just help me carry her," Simon ordered, his voice cracking.

Josh did as he was told, cleaning up her face and hands before tucking her in as Simon went to shower. After pressing a gentle kiss to Andrea's forehead and wiping the hair from her face, he exited the room and went to ask Freya for help with the baby room.

It started out to be a normal shower for Simon. Wash his hair, his body — but then he just sat underneath the fiery pelts and let them burn his back as he cried silently into his hands.

The doctor's voice echoed in his head — "You two can always try again. Don't be afraid."

Simon shook his head, removing and slamming his hands onto his face, repeating this action until he remembered how much Andrea was hurting. She needed him to be strong so she could be strong.

Standing on his feet, he shut off the water. Then he wrapped a towel around himself and looked in the mirror. He gave himself a small pep talk before walking out of the bathroom. He stepped over to the wardrobe, picking out a tee and some shorts. He peeked around the corner, Andrea stirring in her sleep. He stayed by the wardrobe, trying to change quickly. But Andrea stepped around the corner after he put on a pair of boxers and shorts. She gave him a small smile, then walked up to him and wrapped her arms around him.

"Thank you," she mumbles, kissing his bare chest.

"For what?" he questions, looking down at her. She looks up at him, smiling still. Tears shimmered in her eyes.

"For being there for me. For being my rock... For being you," she replies. It was Simon's turn to smile now. He placed his damp lips on her dry ones and hugged her tightly again before she stepped into the shower herself.

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