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It was half five and Simon would pick Andrea up at half six- she figured she'd better get to work now.

First she showered, multi-tasking by also wearing a face mask while cleaning her hair and body. After she rinsed her face clean, she began to do her hair. She dried it with a blow dryer, then grabbed her straightener. With it, she made loose waves in her gorgeous brown hair, a smile spreading across her face as she stared at them.

Next was makeup. She was going for a subtle look, not wanting to take away the attention on her dress. Shades of brown covered her eyelids, fake lashes glued on, all accompanied by a layer of gloss on her lips. She added a light layer of highlight to finish off her look completely, then she set it all in place with her setting spray. She felt so confident with her look already.

It was ten minutes until Simon would arrive, which gave Andrea the chills. Goosebumps prickled her skin as she changed out of her towel and into her dress. The doorbell rang as she was slipping on her silver heels that also held the shape of ankle boots.

As she's in heels, she tries her best to run to the door. She opens it and greets him with a stressed smile. "One second," she speaks, rushing back to her room. Simon steps into the flat as he waits for her to return. She comes back with a silver clutch in hand and dangly silver earrings poking out from her hair. Simon was left speechless and breathless.

"You look amazing," he comments after staring at her for a few minutes.

"Thank you," she smiles. "So do you." Andrea felt her heart race as she was now able to admire him in his tux.

"Ready?" he questions, holding out his arm. Andrea grins, stepping close to him so she could hook their arms.


Once there, Simon parks his car as close as he could to his friend's house, helping Andrea out of the car. "What a gentleman," Andrea teases as they walk hand in hand toward the large home.

Andrea felt her nerves creep around every corner of her stomach, enclosing the whole area in darkness, as they stepped through the doorway. She felt nauseous staring at the glamorously gorgeous girls as they walked past.

Simon turned his head to look at his beautiful girlfriend, immediately seeing her insecurities damaging her confidence quickly. He leans close to her ear and reminds her just how breathtaking she looked tonight. She gave him a weary smile before he led them to the backyard where tables were scattered near the back, which was their current location, and a dance floor along with a DJ stood up front. This yard was ginormous, yet made Andrea feel trapped.

"Lets sit," Simon suggests as he leads her to an empty table. He pulls out a chair for her, then pulls up a chair right beside her. "Look at me," he whispers, eventually placing a thumb and a forefinger on either sides of her chin so he could softly avert her stare to his. "All that matters right now is that I love you and there's nothing you could do that would change that." She gives a couple small nods. "And you look absolutely gorgeous tonight, okay?" She frowns, turning her eyes to her lap as she picked at the table cloth that hung over it.

Simon sighs, a waiter coming over to them and offering a glass of champagne for them both. Andrea swipes one and gulps it down. "Another," she mutters, the waiter immediately handing her another as he stood in awe. It was her third glass of champagne that she sipped in moderation.

Simon fixed eyes gazed at her for a few more seconds before downing his drink, slamming down the cup. He stood, all eyes on him due to the sudden noise. "Dance with me," he speaks as he holds a hand out to Andrea. She looks at it, then drags her eyes up to Simon again. The glimmer in his eyes made her heart swell, her first reaction being to finish her drink off and slam her glass down as well. She slaps her hand in his, and lets him pull her to the dance floor. The DJ saw this and picked a slow song instantly.

As the two danced swiftly and slow, they couldn't help but stare at each other, pressing their foreheads together to do so. It would make anybody else sick with how loving their gaze was.

"You look perfect tonight," Simon whispers to Andrea. A smile flickers on her face before she places her lips passionately on his. When they pull away, Andrea giggles randomly, due to the alcohol.

She hiccups before whispering, "I love you so goddamn much."

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