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"What happened to 'stay safe'?" Andrea questioned, hurt that he didn't listen to her, while she cleaned his wound. He sat on his toilet while Andrea stood, holding his hand, palm up, in hers.

"I'm sorry," Simon slurs, his voice stating that he truly felt so horrible.

Andrea sighs, wraps a proper bandage around his hand, and kisses his forehead. He grins to himself while she carries her shirt to their washer.

Once she puts the machine going, she walks back up to Simon's room and picks out one of his shirts to steal. She takes off Josh's jacket, but stops moving as she sees herself in the mirror. Her hair was whipped about, a grimace apparent on her face. Her makeup was scattered about her face since she forgot to take it off before going to bed.

Before she put the shirt on she walked back into Simon's on-suite bathroom, where Simon still sat on the toilet, slumped. He was staring at his bandaged hand until Andrea walked in, looking like an emotional train wreck.

"You scared me, ya know," Andrea admitted while continuing to wash her face, not looking back at Simon no matter how much his pupils burned into her skin. "I thought you were dying."

"I really am sorry," Simon slurs again. Andrea shakes her head, dabbing at her face with a towel.

"That just doesn't cut it," she huffs, doing her hair up into a messy bun with the hair band that was previously wrapped around her wrist. Simon frowned, standing slowly. He stumbled over to Andrea, wrapping his arms around her waist and resting his head on the top of hers.

"I love you," he mumbles. Andrea's stomach twisted and turned, did loop-de-loops, and fluttered intensely. She hadn't been told that, in such a romantic meaning, since she left England for France.

"I love you too," Andrea soon replied, deciding he wouldn't remember it anyway. She allowed them to resume in their position for a little while longer, before breaking them apart so she could put on the shirt, tuck Simon in, and head home.

"But your car isn't here," Simon whimpers. He was really trying hard to find a reason for her to stay. He finally found a perfect one.

"I could just take Josh's and bring it back tomorrow," she shrugs. Simon shakes his head softly, moaning.

"Please stay with me," he whispers. Andrea presses her lips together, ruminating on the request.

"Fine, I guess I'll stay," she sighs. Simon exclaims a cheer, opening his arms. Andrea rolls her eyes, and falls into them. With his arms wrapped around her and his fingers playing in her hair, she finally fell back into a peaceful slumber.

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