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"Andrea, I don't know what just happened but-"

"I didn't mean to," Andrea interjected. Simon fell silent, tossing away what he was about to confess yet again. "Look, Si, I just- I'm not thinking straight right now."

"Yeah, I get it," the boy hesitantly replied. Josh and Freya watched everything unfold with heavy hearts.

"Pretend I never came over," Andrea spoke, adding a whimpered, "please." A gulp was audible from Simon's end, then his voice agreeing with what she wanted.

"Thank you," Andrea sighed as she reached at the phone's screen and ended the call. Freya and Josh both had slightly widened eyes, mouths open, eyebrows pushed together just a little.

"Why did you do that?" Josh finally asked. Andrea looked up at her brother with tears sparkling in her eyes.

"I don't know," she whispered. Freya pulled her into her side, petting her hair as she cooed sweet and reassuring words into her ears.

Josh knew how Simon would be feeling right now, telling the two girls he was off to help his best friend understand this. Andrea thanked him before the door shut, then confessed to Freya she indeed felt something when their lips touched. Freya squealed, giggling after.

"You two are just meant to be."

Andrea shook her head, sighing as she pressed the heel of her hand to her forehead, "He deserves better than this. Better than me."

Freya pouted, embracing her best friend once more. She assured her Simon was the best she would ever have, the two laughing lightly as they thought of her words in a twisted way.

"I think I still love him, Frey," Andrea whispered. Freya bit her lip with a smile showing. "But I don't want to rush back into things." Freya nodded, understanding.

"I'll call Josh and tell him you'd like a fresh start with Simon?" she questioned. Andrea nodded a bit, Freya removing herself from the blonde to ring her boyfriend.

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