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Simon bent over his lap, digging the heels of his hands into his forehead as he scraped them down his face. "We're not bringing up Joanna again. It's been years, Drea. We're over it."

"I'm not," she whimpered, her voice cracking. "I haven't been since I saw her dead body." Simon glanced up. "You remember how I lost my mind for a couple days after she died? How crazy and out of control I was?" Simon hesitated, but he eventually nodded. His eyes shimmered with fear. "I have been sat beside you, for years, convincing myself that I'm not crazy. I'm normal. I'm sane. There's nothing wrong with me, or my head. But there is, Simon. I'm fucking mental-"

"No, you're not," he interjected, standing quickly and stepping in front of her, gripping onto her shoulders.

"You never fixed me, Si," she whispers. "In fact, I think you're the reason I'm still like this. The reason I still think of her, dream of her, feel her, hear her, see her-"

"Drea, stop-"

"But I can't get rid of you," she retorts, gazing into his eyes. "So, we need to go to couple's therapy," she suggests, moving her eyes to the ground, "and I need to go to a therapist."

"If that's what you want," Simon replies, moving his hands down toward hers, intertwining their fingers, "we'll do both." Andrea nods with a smile and thanks him. "You're not alone, Drea. I'm always right beside you, in sickness and in health," Andrea melted under his comforting words and touch, falling into his body. She wrapped her arms around him, and he embraced her back.

Something pierced her back, then she felt several drips and an eventual flow down her spine and legs. "I'm not dealing with a crazy wife," Simon spoke with a dark voice, venom foaming at his mouth as Andrea dropped to the floor. All she could do was whimper, whisper the reasons she loved him. "Our children are next."

Andrea sat upright, gasping violently. She clutched at her back, feeling no wound, then placing the hand over her heart to check for a pulse. She let out silent sobs, tears pouring from her eyes. She shook her head, letting her hair fall in her face and stick to her cheeks. She tried to take deep breaths, but failed to calm herself.

"Harriet wanted to make her mommy some cookies," Simon announced as he entered the room, staring down at his daughter as they stepped into the bedroom. He furrowed his eyebrows as he noticed Harriet's fearful stare.

"What's wrong with mommy?" she shouted, pointing to Andrea. Simon looked up, handing Harriet the cookies and telling her mommy would be fine, but she needed to go find Grayson and distract him. Little Harriet somehow understood and did as told.

Simon hopped onto the bed, sliding over beside Andrea, holding her close to his body. "Breathe with me," he whispers, grabbing her hand and placing it over his chest. He slows his breathing to deep inhales and exhales, trying to calm his heart as well. Andrea followed his breathing, finally able to move herself. The first movement was a smile.

"Thank you," she sighs, relieved yet terrified, letting Simon hug her tightly.

"What happened?" he questions, pressing a kiss to her temple.

"I had a nightmare," she whispered. "What time is it?"

"Noon, we wanted to let you rest," Simon spoke softly. "Wanna talk about your nightmare?"

"No, I'll be alright." She couldn't tell him her nightmare when it was all fiction - she never talked to him Joanna, never told him she still was unable to return to full sanity. He knew nothing dream Simon found out. And now she feared telling him, feared his reaction. What if instead of killing her by literally stabbing her in the back, he wanted a divorce and nothing to do with her? And took the kids with him? She couldn't risk her family. They meant everything to her - they were the reason she remained sane and the reason she was still walking this planet.

"I love you, Drea." And that was it. Joanna had temporarily disappeared, not even a thought of her crossed Andrea's mind. Simon was still here for her, of course Joanna's death wasn't her fault. She had meant a lot to Simon. And if it really was Andrea's fault, Simon wouldn't still be with her. Simon wouldn't love her and care for her like he does. He wouldn't have allowed them to bear children if so.

Joanna was a bit crazy - her obsession of Simon drove her too far. Her love for Simon and jealous of Andrea had grew too strong for her body to handle - that's not her fault. She isn't in charge of Joanna and her body and how much it can cope with. Joanna controlled that.

Andrea did nothing. It wasn't her fault.

This is unedited and hot off the press.

a/n: I'm ready for the pitchforks... this is the end of Perfect. This is how I wanted it to end ever since I wrote the deep part about Joanna. I wanted this book to end with Andrea finding closure. Having that final revelation that would change her and her life for the better. (And also because I know if I continue with this book, Simon or Andrea will end up dead somehow.) So that's that. Thank you for reading. I'm sorry for cringe bits, bits that made you question my sanity, and everything in between. I'm trying to work on other books, but I'm having a major writer's block.

And here's some bad news - I can't write fanfic about Simon the way I used to. Now that he and Talia are dating, I find it weird to write about him as if he's someone else's (at some points... a girl gets soft, okay?)

If I do write another Simon fanfic, it probably won't come out until later, when I've got enough chapters written, or when I've finished a book.

Anyway, I need to stop waffling. I love you guys.Thanks for the support xoxo

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