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I yawned, rubbing my eyes to rid them of sleep. Then I sat up, stretching after. Now I had noticed how free my body felt, glancing down. I yelped, covering my bare chest with the covers. With regret deep in my throat, I look over, finding Simon with the cutest bed head ever.

I wasn't even angry with myself anymore. I was actually proud of myself, knowing I was the one who initiated the first move. For some reason, I felt extremely happy, despite the massive headache. Was showing Simon how I truly felt about him what made me feel so relaxed? He had been treating me so well since I came back home that I felt myself falling in love with him all over again.

His eyes fluttered open, my heart racing. I laid back down, facing him to show off my smile. He smiled back, moving to lay on his back. Then he popped up, examining his naked body with concern.

"Did we-"

"Yeah," I reply.

"I'm so sorry," he groans as he places his head in his hands. I sat up, confused. I wrapped my arms around him and asked why he was apologizing. "I really do respect your wishes for us to just be friends, I don't know what came over me."

"We were both drunk," I retort. "Our true feelings just took hold of the moment, I guess."

Simon couldn't believe his ears. Did she actually still love him too? His mind had been cruel to him this whole time of her return, saying she would never want him back, she deserved so much better.

"Did we at least use protection?" he whispered as he looked back at me. I felt my face go white, suggesting we look for it. But it was nowhere to be seen. I felt sick knowing how stupid we were. "I didn't even bring one with."

"You really should have," I groan as I sit on the bed. "What if you met up with a different girl? You would've been fucked." (hA and literally too ;))

"I didn't come here to meet up with another girl," he sighs. "I have my eyes on someone."

"Wait!" I exclaimed as I sat up. I ran to my suit case, sighing in relief.

"What?" Simon questioned.

"I forgot I'd packed one. It isn't here anymore," I explained. Simon felt his heart drop, thinking that I was planning on sleeping with someone that wasn't him. "Don't look so sad, this is the suit case I had when I went to France." Simon's eyes widened. "Obviously I didn't do anything, it was still here for our use."

"But where is it?" Simon asked. There was a knock at our door, my mother's voice ringing a cheerful morning greeting. I cursed as I flew under the covers, Simon doing the same. I groaned and pushed him off, throwing down a pillow and the blanket from the end of the bed. He quickly hid himself, pretending to be asleep still.

"Come in," I called out. She came in with a tray holding two homemade caramel rolls and two cups of coffee.

"Is he feeling better?" she asked as she stepped around Simon, setting the tray on my bed.

"I think so," I reply. I sit up, reaching over for a mug.

"Since when do you sleep naked?" my mother asked in disgust. I gasped and covered myself up. I smiled nervously, explaining how I felt more awake and lively when morning came around if I slept in no clothes. "That's quite odd," she comments. "Well, enjoy the rolls and coffee. I'm off to the gym." I nod and thank her, watching her walk out.

Simon sits up, looking around for his underwear. He finds the ones from last night, and slips them on. I do the same.

He slides under the covers beside me and sets the tray on his lap. He hands me a plate that holds one caramel roll and a cup of coffee. I thank him and take a bite of my food and a sip of my drink. I turned on the TV that was in the room, to cover up the silence between us.

"It's kind of dark in here, can you turn on the lamp?" Simon asked as he tried to find the crumbs he dropped from his roll. I chuckle and lean over. I let out a yelp, then begin to laugh manically as my eyes come in contact with the condom from last night, just draped over the lamp shade.

"You're disgusting, Minter," I sputtered as I threw it at him. He shouted out a "gross!" and almost fell onto the ground. "No, throw it in the bin!" I scold as he goes to drop it on the floor. He groans, rolls his eyes, then does as he's told.

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