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"Frey," Andrea giggles as her best friend jabs her finger into the girl's side. She shoves Freya's hand away, returning the action toward her. They ended up having a mini war over it. The doorbell rang, both Freya and Andrea racing to answer it.

"Oh, it's just Dan," Freya groans. He gasps, engulfing her in a tight embrace.

"What d'you mean 'it's just Dan'?" he retorts into her shoulder. She hugs him back, then they part. Andrea and Dan hug as well before they join Freya at the dining room table. "So what's the activities for tonight?" Dan questions as he glances over the boxes that are sat on the table.

"We're just waiting for a few others to show up before we start," Freya informs him, giving Andrea a toothy smile as she teases her about Simon coming over after what happened last night.

"Like who?" Dan smirks, wiggling his eyebrows.

"We invited the iconic duo, aka our boyfriends-"

Dan stops Freya by clasping a hand around her mouth. "Boyfriends?" he hisses. "Did they make it official after the first flippin date?"

"No," Andrea giggles, removing his hand from Freya's face. "She just likes to tease me is all."

"Well good golly, Freya," Dan chuckles. "Anyone else then?"

"You wanna invite Phil?" Freya asks, knowing it'd make Dan blush like crazy. And it did. He even developed a stutter over it. "Go ahead and text him, he has fifteen minutes."

While we waited for everyone else to arrive, we set up Freya's new camera and tripod, with a few lights and a microphone, ready to film a video for her new YouTube channel.

The doorbell rings, Andrea's heart pounding as her palms dampened. Freya ran to the door while Dan messed with Andrea, like elbowing her in the side and laughing, to distract her from the increased panic overwhelming her body.

"Hey guys!" Freya shouts. The three boys walk in, all looking handsome as hell. Freya hooks her arm around Josh's, loosely, leading them over to our setup. Simon gives a small wave and smile to Andrea before Freya snaps her fingers in his face to make him pay attention to her instructions. "Kid friendly channel guys!" she reminds them before she starts her intro.

Andrea stood on her footstool, gaining a snort from Dan who stood beside her, with no footstool.

"I'm short, leave me alone," Andrea barks, flicking his forehead.

Freya rolls her eyes, "Today we will be making... gingerbread houses!" She opens up her arms slowly as she gestures toward all of our decorations and kits. "But, there's a tiny twist. There will be three teams of two, already picked at random by me," she informs, "and yes, this was literally a random pick."

Andrea felt a wave of anxiety wash over her body as Freya continued to convince the camera, and the others, that she indeed did pick names out of a hat and put them together.

"So, groups," she starts. "Dan and Phil." The two stand side by side, both faces heated to the highest degree. "Josh and Freya." A knot formed in Andrea's stomach, the sudden urge to vomit crawling up her throat. "Aaand Andrea and Simon!" Yup. She was going to make an absolute fool of herself.

Simon walked over to stand by Andrea, mainly so she didn't have to move her stool. He gave her a reassuring smile before grabbing a kit for them. Why was she more nervous now than she was for their first date?

a/n: i'd just like to clarify that andrea is stood on a stool so she's closer to the boys' heights, which helps her to feel less intimidated. i didn't really explain that when i was writing, and am just now noticing this little flaw so... now you know :)

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