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"We're gonna be late, Drea!" Josh shouts from in the living space. I grumble, quickly pack up my things, then rush out the door behind Josh and Freya, sprinting to catch a ride to the airport.


Fresh oxygen hit my nose as a cool breeze blew past us, a taxi finally arriving for us. I smile as I overlook the bits and bobs I can see of England now, taking in how much it's changed since I was last year over three years ago.

Josh watches in admiration as I observe the city that zooms past us on the road home. He even snapped a few pictures of me, which he sent to my parents. They were happy to see me back home.

Anxiety hit me like a train as I remembered I'd be staying at the Sidemen house for tonight. The next morning, Freya and I would depart from Josh finally and I would finally move back in with Freya in our new flat. Josh has been helping her with rent while I was away, which wasn't an issue for him with all of his, quote on quote, "YouTube gains".

Tonight would be the first time I'd be seeing Simon in almost four years. How could I not be drowning in nervous sweats?

Josh must've noticed my change in mood, tapping the back of his pointer finger on the side of my thigh. "You'll be fine," he whispers. I give a smile, kissing his cheek.

"I wouldn't want to be siblings with anyone else," I respond. Josh smiles back, then turns his face to the screen of his phone again, twiddling his thumbs as he ponders on something to type. I was curious who he was texting, but I wasn't one in favor of invading people's privacy so I kept to myself and returned my gaze to the world outside of the moving vehicle.


"Oh my days," I comment in awe, my breath absolutely taken away as I gawk at the mansion Josh co-owned with three other people. "You live in this now?" I shriek as I point to the house.

"Yeah," he chuckles, a shy smile on his face as he looks it up and down with me.

"I'm in love," I respond, keeping my stare on the house.

"Joshua!" I heard a voice cheer, footsteps pounding over to us. I move my eyes, in shock, to the person who's willing to run over to my brother. I grin as I watch Josh collapse on the grass, Simon on top of him, squeezing him tight. "You're never leaving me for more than a month again."

"Hello to you too, Simon," Josh chuckles. Freya clears her throat, Simon's head snapping up to her. A teasing smile sticks to his face as he stands, kneeling before Freya and outstretching her arm as he kisses her hand playfully.

"You're too much, Minter," she laughs, giving his forehead a shove. He gets sent back, almost falling on his butt, his contagious laugh tickling my ears. I've missed that.

His eyes soon glance over at me, his eyes saying how taken aback he was. He stands, brushes himself off, and walks over to me.

"Welcome back, Drea," he smiles. My stomach erupts into a volcano of butterflies as he gives me a warm hug. It was a quick one though, as I didn't want him to be aware of how disgustingly sweaty I was from overthinking about this moment.

The taxi driver had taken out our luggage and set it aside during mine and Simon's hug, Freya paying him as Josh secretly captured our moment with his phone.

With a sudden spring in his step, Simon walks over to our bags and picks mine up. "These are yours, right?" he asks.

"How'd you remember?" I chuckle as I walk over to him.

"Dropping you off at the airport the day you left for France was a big day for me," he shrugs.

"Yeah, me too," I sigh. Simon was the one to break off our intense eye contact.

"So, I'll take these to your room?"

"No, Si, you don't have to do that," I respond, hoping nobody had noticed what I had called him.

"I got it, Drea," he denies, walking toward the house. Freya steps over to me, hooking her arm around me, squealing about what just happened while we follow behind Simon a ways.

Josh opens the door for Simon, the two boys carrying in our bags and then shutting the door.

"They didn't even keep it open for us," I teasingly scoff as we walk up the steps to the front door.

"Wait," Freya exclaims, turning me to face her. She brushes her fingers through my hair, gently wiping at my eyes to rid the sleep from them.

"Frey, it's just Simon," I giggle as I push her hands away. Her face freezes, but she recovers from it fast.

"Okay," she smiles as she allows me to open the door. I do, my eyes unable to see what's inside the house as it was dark outside, and now dark inside.

"For goodness sake, they couldn't even turn the-"

I was cut off by loads of people shouting the same couple words, my body jumping into Freya's after I flicked the lights on. Freya, Simon, and Josh laugh at my reaction, but my hands still covered my face as I parted from Freya.

"I don't have makeup on, you pricks," I shout.

"You look gorgeous without it," a voice replies as a pair of hands pry away mine from my head. I smile up at Simon and thank him while my cheeks heat up.

"Welcome back!" a girl from Simon's childhood, Joanna, repeats as she rips me away from Simon and pulls me into a hug. I could smell the jealousy radiating off her body already.

"Thanks," I reply, being polite as to not set her off again. She returns a smile, then steps over to Simon. Of course.

Freya pulls me away from the two, whispering in my ear, "She is not getting in the way of my plan." And before I could yell at Freya, she sauntered off to find our friends and catch up.

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