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Andrea woke up the next morning, finding herself wrapped up in the sheets, her bare legs tangled with Simon's. She grinned as she was once again met with his soft, relaxed face. She settles her hand on the side of his head, gently rubbing his cheek with her thumb. His eyes fluttered awake.

"Good morning, beautiful," he mumbles, moving forward to give her forehead a warm kiss.

"I need to shower," she lightly giggles.

"Me too," he sighs. Andrea smiles, wrapping a blanket around her naked body as she stood. She walked around the bed, and neared Simon. She held out her hand, a small smirk playing on Simon's lips. He takes her hand, wrapping the sheets around his waist, the two heading for the shower.

Once in the bathroom, Andrea turns on the shower and allows it to warm up before stepping in. During that short amount of time, she connects her lips with Simon's.

She breaks away from his body, giving him a playful smirk before dropping the blanket and stepping into the shower. She stood beneath the hot pellets of water, rubbing her face quite harshly to get rid of any leftover makeup.

Simon's arms wrap around her waist, his lips pressing a soft kiss to her jawline, then her neck, then her shoulder. Andrea spins around, showing him her teeth briefly before mixing their lips into a melted mess of sparks and love.

They did utilize the shower she started, it just took them longer than expected to clean themselves up.


Freya came home today and Simon had gone back home by now. Andrea sighed, cuddled into the couch. She placed a couple bits of popcorn on her tongue, proceeding to chomp on them as her eyes fixed on the TV, which played a romantic comedy.

A key turned in the lock on the front door, making Andrea sit up and turn her head to watch who would come through the door. She ran up to Freya instantly, colliding her body into hers as she wrapped her arms around her.

"Hey, um, Andrea," Freya whispers in her ear.

"Yeah?" Andrea questions as she separates their bodies.

"Come here," she replies, containing her smile. But Andrea saw it in her eyes, curious as to what's made her so happy. She follows Freya out into the hallway, then her eyes trail along the path Freya's finger pointed out. Her eyes lit up as she saw a vase holding several white roses. She picked it up delicately, finding a note inside the bunch.

For The One I Love Most,
Thank you for coming to the party with me, I had an amazing time there and after. Your company made that night something to remember. My body has ached these past couple mornings because I'm so upset to find my bed empty. Text me? xx

"He really loves you," Freya chuckles softly as she read the card over Andrea's shoulder. Andrea bit her lip, trying to hold back tears.

"This kid," she sighs happily, stepping back into the flat. "He makes me so unbelievably happy- how am I so lucky to have him?" Andrea questions, tears spilling down her cheeks.

"If you guys don't get married, that's the start of the end of the world," Freya comments as she sets her purse on the kitchen counter. She gives Andrea a gentle grin, then walks back over to her and hugs her. "I'm so happy you two have found each other again."

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