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His eyes fluttered open, the lights blinding him immediately. A nurse was in the middle of taking observations when she gave him a grin.

"How are you feeling?" she asks, grabbing something from the side table.

"I-I'm fine," Simon slurs. The nurse holds open his eyes, his pupils pushing themselves toward the back of his head out of fear.

"I'm just checking to make sure you haven't got anything wrong with your head," she spoke softly. She did her final examinations, telling the male nurse that promised Andrea to keep her updated that Simon could have a visitor with a warm smile. "Can you tell me your name?" she asks again, making sure it hadn't slipped his brain in the past five minutes.

"Simon... M-Minter," he stuttered, looking around the room.

"Feel any pain yet?" she questions, dumping a pill into the palm of her hand and pouring a glass of water into a plastic cup.

"A bit in my back," Simon mutters, taking the cup and pill from the nurse's hands.

"Simon," a voice breathlessly speaks. His nurse excused herself and left the two alone. Simon could only stare at Andrea with wide eyes and his mouth agape.

"Are you okay?" he asks, referring to her puffy, red eyes.

"I am now," she whispers, her voice strained as she was on the brink of tears yet again.

"What's happened?" he questions.

"You've ended up in the emergency room," Andrea sighs, grabbing hold of his hand.

"W-why?" he stammers.

"They... They think you were drugged," she spoke quietly. Simon shook his head, now wondering who could've done it. "Did you recognize anyone at the bar, Si?"

"N-no," he hesitantly answers, trying to think as hard as he could.

Andrea sat in the chair beside his bed after scooting it right next to him, holding his hand in both of hers and pressing it to her lips.

"I could've lost you, ya know," she whispers, not looking him in the eyes.

"But you didn't," he replies. "And you never will."

"Now I know how you felt," she chuckles through tears, holding tighter onto his fingers.

"How I felt?" he questions.

"When I was giving birth," she spoke. "I was meant to die, Si."

"C-can we not talk about that-"

"Is that why you've been avoiding my question of trying to have another kid?" she quizzes, gazing into his eyes. His lips trembled, his eyes sprung with tears instantly.

"I don't want to have a kid in exchange for your death," he spoke softly. "Unfortunately, I don't think I'd ever be able to love the kid if it killed you."


"I'm sorry, Drea," he sighs. "If it happens, it happens. But I don't want to do it on purpose, okay? Because then I'll blame myself and the kid-"

"Your heartbeat's rising, Si," Andrea interjects, her eyes scanning the machine. "We won't talk about that right now, okay? I'm sorry I mentioned it." They both fell silent. Andrea laid her eyes back on him, her heart fluttering as she was reminded of their first date — seeing the right side of his face, glowing from the rays of sun just beyond them, always did that to her.

"When can I leave?" he questions, his voice scratchy. He turns his head, glancing at her.

"It depends on how your body is handling the procedure," she responds.

"What procedure?" Simon asks, frightened.

"You don't remember?" Andrea questions. Simon shook his head softly. "They just pumped your stomach. Nothing major, love."

"You made it sound like I lost a leg," Simon sighs with a chuckle, relaxing his body.

"You need to keep your heartbeat down, Si," Andrea sighs. "Maybe I should leave."

"Please don't," Simon remarks, gripping onto her fingers. "I would like you to stay by my side."

"Always," she smiles.


Andrea pushes open the front door, tugging Simon inside the house. He stumbles a bit but finds his balance and smiles. Andrea helps him up to their room, settling him into the bed.

"You want some soup?" Simon shook his head.

"I do want noodles though," he mutters.

"I'll make you some," Andrea grins, pressing a warm kiss to his cheek before walking over to the door.

"Drea?" Simon calls out. Andrea turns to him with a smile hanging on her face. "I love you."

"How strong of painkillers did they put you on?" Andrea teases, opening the door. "I love you, too, Si." Then she disappears downstairs.

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