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The rest of the night, Andrea drank a cup of her special Vodka mix every hour and socialized with everyone she could. She caught up with a few friends, and eventually made her way back to Simon.

"Hello, stranger," he chuckled. She stumbled over her own feet, but he caught her and helped her stand up straight again.

"I haven't even drank that much," she chuckles. Simon laughs with her, shaking his head.

"You've always been clumsy," he responds. She nods, agreeing. "So, how's it feel to be back?" he ask.

"It feels really... weird, I guess?" she giggles as she whirls her drink around in its cup.

"Because of us?" he questions. She nods slowly, a chuckle escaping his lips. "I'm sorry about what happened between us."

"I am too," she sighs, glancing up at him. Those piercing blue eyes still sent her heart into a racing panic.

"I-" Interrupting what Simon was about to confess, JJ wrapped an excited arm around the girl's neck. She laughed as she pushed him off, greeting him with a proper hello. Simon's fingers tapped against his cup as he watched her and JJ converse, a frown settling on his face.

He grew impatient, feeling as if JJ would never leave after they'd been chatting for nearly ten minutes, so he walked away, in search of more alcohol and his best mate, Andrea's brother.

"It was so great catching up with you. We should hang out sometime?" JJ said. The girl nodded and didn't wait to watch him walk off, turning to where Simon last was. She bit her lip as she noticed he'd left, glancing around the room for him.

Her eyes caught Harry's, making him walk over to her with a bright smile, his girlfriend connected to his hip.

"Harry!" she exclaims, giving him a tight hug. His girlfriend watches with admiration, Andrea's mind assuming she knew of their friendship already.

"Welcome back!" he whispered into her ear.

"Thank you," she replied as they split.

"I'm Katie," his girlfriend spoke, setting out her hand for Andrea to shake. She takes it, announcing her name as well. "Oh, I've heard about you several times," she giggles.

"Same to you," Andrea replies, giving Harry a wink. Katie looks at Harry with a wide smile, kissing his cheek.

"Welcome back," she says with a polite smile.

"Thank you," she responds.

"We'll have to hang out sometime," she suggests.

"Definitely," she replies. Before they both walk off, Andrea grabs Harry's wrist. "Have you seen Simon?" To her disappointment, he shakes his head no. "Thanks anyway."

Andrea's eyes spot the bearded wonder known as her brother, her legs then carrying her over to him. First she thanks him for the amazing party, but he shakes his head.

"Wasn't my doing," he chuckles.

"Whose was it then?" she questions with a raised eyebrow.


She sighs, then asks Josh if he's seen him. The last time he saw him was when he was filling up his cup at the makeshift bar, which she had a feeling he was still at. She thanked him before rushing off.

"Haven't seen you much tonight," she commented before sitting on the stool beside Simon. His eyes turned to look at her, a smile forming on his face as he whirled his body round to face her. "How's it going?"

"Kind of wish I wasn't here," he replies with a shrug. Her smile falls, a frown forming on her face. "I mean, it's great seeing my friends all in one place- and I love parties- but I kinda want you all to myself."

Andrea's heart stops, her smile reappearing as a blush creeps onto her cheeks. She lifts her hand to his cheek, caressing it. "Don't cry, big one," she teases, even adding one of her old nicknames for him. He scoffs in a happy manner, pushing her hand off his face.

"But how do you like the party so far?" he questions, looking down at his cup.

"I agree with you, it's nice to catch up with all of my friends," she replies as she looks around the room and stares at everyone, "but I don't think people are here for me."

Simon's head jerks up, a worried look on his face. "What else would they be here for?"

"Alcohol," she giggles as they make eye contact once more. "Nobody here except the Sidemen have checked up on me while I was away."

Simon sighs, knowing how right she was. It sickened him to think people came for free booze instead of to see the beautiful and amazing woman who just came back from France after studying photography abroad.

"Well, I'm happy you're back," he reassures. Her smile grows as she thanks him again.

"And I'm not really the partying type anyway," she adds with an anxious look about her face. Simon smacked his own face as he suddenly remembers how introverted his ex girlfriend was. The only reason she'd gone to parties was because Simon always sacrificed his social life just so she could stay in and read a book or play video games with him, so she would occasionally allow him to drag her to a social gathering as a repayment.

"Some day we'll make it your day," he orders. "You and me... We'll do whatever you want."

Andrea adored how sweet Simon could be. She really missed him while she was away, no matter how hard she'd push herself to forget him. She'd even do some form of exercise to take him off her brain.

Speaking of exercise, Simon was starting to notice how fit she was. Of course he noticed the moment he saw her earlier today, but when she changed into a slim red dress with black heels to match and a small amount of makeup, he could really see her curves.

He commented on how beautiful she looked earlier tonight, but he felt the need to say it again. Andrea was always a sucker for being showered in compliments from her boyfriend, so he knew she wouldn't mind if he did.

"How is it you look even more perfect than you did before you left for France?" he confessed. Andrea blushed harder, and she was forcing herself not to let her giddiness show through her smile. Simon noticed this, his eyes watching in admiration whilst she thanked him for the fifth time tonight.

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