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The next day, Simon walked sleepily to the kitchen to get himself some cereal, and hopefully find his girlfriend. It was quite early in the morning for him, and he knew the only reason he was awake was because his body didn't feel Andrea's beside him. It kind of angered him that he literally couldn't get any decent sleep without her beside him constantly.

"'Cause the world stops... When I put my arms around ya, around ya, oh-oo-oH. And nothing even matters." Andrea was definitely in the kitchen — and when Simon walked in, he had to hold in his laughter.

Andrea held a spatula close to her mouth, shouting out lyrics with the music that blared from the speaker on her phone. She rocked her body back and forth as she did so, occasionally stirring something in the pan in front of her on the stove.

"Babe?" Simon questioned. Andrea jumped out of her skin, quickly shutting off the music. Her face was bright red when she faced Simon.

"Morning," she spoke softly.

"What are you doing?" he asks, walking around the island to stand closer to her.

"Making my amazing boyfriend some breakfast," she replies, Simon pressing his lips to hers.

"What are you making?" he asks, peeking into the pans.

"The usual- scrambled eggs with bacon," she answers. Simon had come down just in time, Andrea ordering him to sit at the island. Simon did as told, grinning from ear to ear as he watched her set his plate full with her delicious food and then place it in front of him with a fork and a cup of orange juice.

"Wife her up," Vik spoke from the doorway of the kitchen. Andrea giggled, watching Simon take the first bite, her heart pounding.

"God, I've missed your eggs," Simon moans, gulping the rest down. Andrea laughs while watching him eat like a pig, leaning on the counter to balance herself. Simon couldn't help but stare at her like she could disappear into thin air right before his eyes, something he feared deeply.

"I'm in the room, please don't do that," Vik announces to Simon, pouring his cereal into a bowl. As he poured the milk on top, Simon stared at Vik with the same look, hoping to make the boy uncomfortable. He succeeded.


It's been a little over a month now — Andrea is two months along with her pregnancy, and the bump is showing. Every morning when Simon wakes up, he greets Andrea with a soft kiss on the lips, then kisses her stomach. He couldn't be more content with how his life was going.

Today Freya suggested a visit to the beach would be very much enjoyed. Andrea had been stressed lately, for reasons unknown, but she did claim that her horrible anxiety from school was returning. This took a toll on Simon, who was constantly trying to keep Andrea on the bright side of things as to not ruin anything with the baby — plus, when she smiled, he smiled. When she cried, he cried. They didn't need any negative feelings right now.


The sun poked at Andrea's back, her skin tingling under its touch. She relaxed, now laying herself out on the towel with a light smile on her face. She closed her eyes, nearly falling asleep right on the sand. That is until something tapped her side.

She opened an eye, looking over. Her smile grew as she sat up, grabbing the ball. A little boy came running up to her, apologizing for disturbing her.

"Oh, it's alright," Andrea replied with a light giggle, tossing the ball back to the boy. He thanked her and ran back to his friends, tossing it about again.

"Here," Josh speaks, handing Andrea an ice cream cone.

"Thanks, Josh," Andrea smiles, taking a lick of it. She scans the beach, her eyebrows furrowed as she searches for her boyfriend.

"He's in the bathrooms," Josh chuckles, pulling out his phone.

"He's been gone for quite some time," Andrea sighs, continuing to eat her ice cream. Within seconds, the cone and ice cream inside it is devoured. "What is he doing?" she huffs, going to stand up.

"No!" Josh shouts, clamping a hand down on her shoulder to keep her seated on the towel. "He'll be back, maybe he got a phone call."

"Alright," Andrea exhales. Josh analyzed her face, feeling guilty. He shouldn't let his sister become worried, she deserves to be happy all the time.

"Here comes Frey," Josh speaks, watching Freya run over to them with Simon's camera.

"Why have you got that?" Andrea chuckles as she points to the possession in Freya's hands.

"He asked me to take some shots of his beautiful girlfriend," she breathlessly replies.

"No, I'm not in the mood for a photo shoot," Andrea politely rejects.

"Okay, well I can't promise I won't take some candids," she chuckles, sitting beside Josh. Out of the corner of Andrea's eye, she saw Freya hold up the camera, aiming at Andrea. She turns her head the opposite direction, staring at the other set of kids playing tag a ways away from them. She smiled, settling a hand over her stomach. She hadn't noticed that Josh was now filming in the direction Freya came from.

"Andrea," a soft voice spoke. Andrea tilted her head up, turning her body so she was now facing Simon. She gave him a smile, asking him to help her stand up.

"Where have you been?" she questions, staring into his eyes. She loved making eye contact with him — his ocean blue eyes always gave her a sense of relief and relaxed her whole body instantly.

"I- um," Simon was stuttering over his words, shaking his head now. He kneels down, Andrea's stomach dropping. Her heart pounds in her chest. "Andrea Rose Bradley," he starts, clearing his throat quickly, "I've known you for several years now, and my life has always been at its highest when I'm with you. I never realized how much of an impact you had on me until you left for many years. It was as if my heart stopped beating the moment you walked away from me at the airport.

"But when you came back- I felt alive again. Like, for those three years, I had just been a ghost, floating down the halls without a purpose in life. Nobody to care for or love. Then you came back. And I knew the second you arrived at the Sidemen house after not seeing you for a few years, that I had fallen in love with you all over again.

"You're the prettiest, sweetest, smartest woman I've ever met in my whole entire life. You're funny, childish, and an absolute goofball. And I couldn't adore you any more.

"I honestly could go on more and list every single detailed reason as to why I love you, but there are literally too many to count and I don't want to talk your ear off.

"With all that being said... Andrea Rose, will you be my gorgeous bride?"

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