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I smiled as I approached one of my best friends. Nobody on the Internet knew of our friendship, but the Sidemen and their friends did. If I were to pick one person who knew me best besides my brother and Simon, it'd be Dan Howell.

We could agree to hang out with each other and sit in comfortable silence as we both scrolled through our social medias. Our presence was just greatly appreciated by the other.

Dan ran up and hugged me. The last time I'd seen him in person was about five months ago, when he made his last surprise visit to see me in France.

"I'm sorry I didn't go to your welcome back party last night," he says, skipping past the 'hello's and 'how are you's.

"It's fine, I know how you don't like parties," I giggle as we part. I comment on how proud I still am of him for overcoming one of his insecurities as I gaze at his curls.

"I'm just too lazy to go back to straightening it," he chuckles. I laugh with him, then sit beside him on the bench that was built in front of the park.

After we'd sat there for a bit, Dan telling me all about Phil and how he's happy the boy decided against moving out and separating from him, he decided he'd said enough about him and wanted to hear about me. So, he asked me how Simon and I were.

"We're good, I think," I sigh as I glance down at my fingers. "I just wish we were still dating, ya know?" Dan nods with a sympathetic smile curving on his lips. He wraps an arm around my upper body, giving me a squeeze.

"I'm certain you two will come to the day you both decide you guys were just meant to be," he softly replies. "And then you'll get married, make babies, and live happily ever after." I laugh, smacking Dan in the chest. He laughed with me, rubbing his chest as he pretended a bruise was already forming under his jumper.

"But for real, you two are perfect for each other," Dan admits, removing his arm from around my body. I look over at him, a smile stuck to his face. "I really hope you realize that."

"How could I not when I'm reminded every hour," I chuckle. "Between you and Freya, I don't know who's more annoying with this whole thing." Dan chuckles, staring at his feet.

We continued to chat, eventually moving to the coffee shop that's just across the street for a warm cup of their specialty and a less chilling ambience.

"Are you going back to work at the coffee shop?" Dan questions, sipping from his mug. I sigh, nodding. I was smiling nevertheless, the little shop always cheering me up with its fresh coffee smell and joyful atmosphere. I was a bit timid on going back after my colorful experience there.


35 minutes ago

drearosex there's beauty in everything and everyone, even if you have to look a little deeper

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drearosex there's beauty in everything and everyone, even if you have to look a little deeper

371k likes 2.3k comments

freyanightingale Yes, go bestie 😍
drearosex @freyanightingale love u x

zerkaahd Such true words coming from
my beautiful sis
drearosex @zerkaahd aw thanks, my handsome bro ❤️

danielhowell can you stop being so cute
drearosex @danielhowell uh, i'm not
so what's there to stop? :) x
danielhowell @drearosex i will fight

wroetoshaw I'm so happy to see your
selfies taken in a more familiar place
drearosex @wroetoshaw missed u
harold x

katiesleach such a pretty woman, wow
drearosex @katiesleach coming from a gorgeous gal. thank u ❤️😊

miniminter I love your captions. And
seeing your beautiful body on my feed
makes me happy
drearosex @miniminter xoxo 💞

5 minutes ago

jopatt there's beauty in everyone and everything, but sometimes you have to look a little deeper 🌹

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jopatt there's beauty in everyone and everything, but sometimes you have to look a little deeper 🌹

103k likes 700 comments

danielhowell i love your caption, so
original 😍

wroetoshaw Please just stop Joanna. You're such a pretty girl, don't let your jealousy destroy you.
jopatt @wroetoshaw jealousy ??
wroetoshaw @jopatt Don't.

freyanightingale You can steal a caption,
but you can't steal likes ;)

ksi Idk why I even follow you still

drearosex you're really pretty
freyanightingale @drearosex I HATE
danielhowell @ drearosex I AGREE
drearosex @freyanightingale
@danielhowell it's pretty tumblr,
so i wouldn't be surprised if she found
it from there instead of my recent
danielhowell @drearosex yeah but
you didn't look online for that shit. you
just came up with it, so you deserve
creds >:(
jopatt @danielhowell just stop

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