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"Hello," Andrea coos toward the baby, giving her a wide smile. Josh chuckles, handing his daughter over to his sister. "Oh my gosh, you've got your dad's eyes," she groans with jealously. "Such a gorgeous green shade."

"Please don't call my eyes gorgeous," Josh chuckles, shoving his hands in his pockets as he cranes his neck to look at his daughter with a bright smile.

"If she gets Freya's cheekbones as well, I'm out," Andrea giggles, rocking her niece back and forth softly.

"I heard Harriet's asking for a little sister," Freya speaks from the couch, patting the spot beside her. Andrea sits, nodding.

"We ordered one last night," Andrea simply replies, Josh walking out of the room immediately. Andrea internally cackled.

"So you'll know in about three weeks?" Freya questions.

"If we're lucky," Andrea sighs. She was happy, but giving birth was painful and she wasn't sure she was ready to do it a third time.

"But what about you and your issue with odd numbers?" Freya teases.

"Simon said the same thing," Andrea giggles. "I may need to fix that situation."

"Oh my God," Freya laughs, shaking her head. It went silent after that, and stayed that way for some time. "So, how's Grayson?"

"I knew he was going to be ill," Andrea groans. "He was so cuddly yesterday."

"Poor kid," Freya pouts. "When's Simon coming over?"

"As soon as Grayson is finished at the clinic," Andrea replies. "I wanted to go with but he insisted I come see you two early."

"We haven't seen you since I gave birth," she chuckles. It was a bit sad — she was very upset how distant the two had been recently.

"I know, I'm sorry," Andrea replies, now looking up at her best friend. "Being a housewife is actually a difficult task, especially with two rowdy kids."

"I get it," Freya responds, brushing it off. "But I can always come over with Isabella or without her, if Josh would watch her."

"Nah, bring her with you," Andrea retorts, smiling at Isabella. "She's adorable."

"She's actually quite chill as well," Freya replies. "It's kinda mad."

"Who'd you get that from?" Andrea speaks to Isabella in a baby voice. Isabella grins, clapping.

A knock at the door and Josh was sent flying toward it. He had been waiting for another dude to arrive since Andrea walked into the house.

"Joshua!" Harriet shouts, running up to her uncle. He lifts her into the air, giving her a squeeze before running her into the living room and throwing her on the couch. He tickles her belly before asking how she was. She responded, with a giddy grin.

"Hey, Drea," Simon calls from the entryway. Andrea gives Freya her baby, jogging toward Simon. "Grayson won't move from the car," he sighs. Andrea licks her lips and follows him out to the car. After they exit the house, Simon whips her around and gives her a loving kiss, expressing how much he loved her. "I love you more," Andrea whispers, kissing his nose before heading over to his car.

"Hello, little man," Andrea speaks cheerily as she opens the car door, Grayson instantly perking up. Andrea holds out her arms, Grayson instantly falling into them. "He's just a momma's boy," she chuckles, embracing him gently.

"The doctor gave me an antibiotic that he has to take twice a day — one in the morning and one at night," Simon informs, shutting the door behind Andrea as they step into the house.

"Thank you for bringing him," Andrea replies, pecking Simon's lips once more.

"Hi, Grayson," Josh immediately greets with a soft voice. "How are you feeling?" Grayson shakes his head a little, indicating that he wasn't feeling well but he couldn't speak because his throat was super sore. "I'm sorry, little guy. I hope you feel better soon."

"Hey, uncle Josh!" Harriet calls teasingly, shaking her butt and sticking her tongue out at Josh at the entry of one of the hallways.

"I'm gonna get you!" Josh shouts, chasing after her toward the guest bedroom. Harriet's laugh bounces off the walls, making Andrea's heart content. Grayson coughs, phlegm stuck in his throat, creating a void in Andrea's heart again.

"My poor baby," Andrea mutters, pressing a kiss to the top of Grayson's head. He embraced Andrea tighter, adjusting his head so that his other cheek rests on her chest.

"Hey, Freya," Simon finally speaks, walking over to sit by her. They talk for a bit, Andrea sitting beside Simon. He throws an arm around her, both of them laying back on the couch. Grayson crawled off of Andrea, only to lay his body out along the couch and place his head in her lap. She ran her fingers through his hair and drew shapes on his back. Simon kissed Andrea's temple and rested his cheek on the top of her head.

"I just want him to feel better," Andrea mumbles, wishing she could take the cold from Grayson and transport it into her own body.

"I do too, babe," Simon responds, giving her body a single tight squeeze.

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