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Andrea didn't want to go out — but Freya insisted. Her claims were that Andrea has only moved from the bed to lay on the couch downstairs, and that wasn't healthy. Especially for that to be a routine for a month. Simon was the same way, not having the energy to even upload with his normal schedule.

"Quit feeling sorry for yourself and get off your ass," Freya scoffs as she stands in front of the television. Andrea looks up at her, hurt recognizable in her eyes. "You know how I mean to say that."

"Nah, I'll just get pissed off my ass," Andrea retorts. "Don't feel like a headache in the morning and can't be arsed with vomiting."

"I'm not drinking tonight," Freya replies, sitting beside her. "I told Josh and Simon we'd babysit them so they could drink." Andrea rolled her eyes.

"Is that the only way Simon agreed to go out?" she groaned.

"He's sad, Drea. Just as you are," Freya explains. "He just handles his negative vibes differently."

"Whatever," Andrea scoffs, moving off the couch and heading toward her shared room with Simon. He was busy in the bathroom, so Andrea quickly picked out an okay outfit for tonight and threw it on. Just in time, Simon came out with his hair done, button up white shirt and dark blue jeans on, and a forced smile on his face. "Don't fake your smiles with me," Andrea mutters before pushing past him and shutting the door on him.

She does her hair without a care and applies a small amount of makeup. Of course she was moping around, she lost a baby, for fuck's sake. Why did that not make her eligible to be depressed?

As soon as she stepped out of the bathroom, Simon caught her, grabbing her arms with a firm grip so she couldn't walk away.

"This will be good for us, Drea," he spoke in a soft tone before pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead.

"I don't want to do this," she retorts, stepping out of his grip and away from his presence.


"I'll go get us another?" Josh questions as he stands from the booth. Andrea looks over at Simon, hoping he'd deny Josh's offer. Simon sensed Andrea staring at him, looking into her eyes. He saw the begging. Yet he still nodded his head in agreement. Josh's smirk gave way as he strutted over to the bartender.

"I'm going home," Andrea mutters, slipping out of the booth and heading for the door. Her heart felt heavy as nobody chased after her. Maybe it was good — have a nice walk alone with her thoughts clinging to her the whole way home. Maybe she'd sort out her depression on the way there.

♡ meanwhile ♡

"Nah, Freya, she looked super upset," Simon mumbles, trying to pry her grip off his wrist.

"You could get hurt with the state you're in, Simon," she spoke. "And I think it's best for her to have a walk alone."

"She's not walking home all by herself," Simon grumbles, turning to plead Freya with his eyes.

"Simon, are you alright?" Freya questions worriedly. Simon didn't answer, but he heard her. His face masks pale, his vision blurring. "Simon?" Freya asks in a shout as he collapses onto the floor. "Josh!" Freya calls out, aiding Simon.

"What happened?" Josh questions, stumbling over to Freya.

"I don't know, he just passed out," Freya panics, looking around the bar. "Is anyone a doctor here?"

♡ back to Andrea ♡

She kicked all the pebbles she saw as she thought about having a family with Simon and a house of their own. She couldn't decide if their kids would be athletic or super lazy, which caused her to chuckle. Would they be good at football (soccer) or ice hockey? She couldn't be too sure.

Without her knowing until now, she had felt like someone was holding her hand. She lifts it, palm facing her. She shook her head at the empty flesh and continued walking.

Sirens filled the ominous night sky, echoing all around Andrea. She glanced back at the bar, which was only a speck in her view now. As soon as she saw a couple paramedics rush into it and another pushing a gurney behind them, she had to go back. What if it was her brother? Her best friend? Her fiancé?

Her walks turned into sprints as she noticed the wisps of fading blond hair and the calmed face of the love of her life laid on the gurney with his eyes shut.

"Wait!" she screamed, coming to screeching halt beside the ambulance. One of the paramedics held her back, tears spilling down her face.

"Who are you?" the paramedic repeatedly questions with a deep, stern tone.

"I'm his fucking fiancée, let me see him!" she wildly shouts, pushing past the paramedic and standing by the side of the gurney.

"He isn't breathing properly, ma'am, we need to get him to the hospital as soon as possible," the other paramedic informed, helping his fellow employee get the gurney inside.

"Ride with them, Drea," Freya spoke through tears. "Make sure he's alright."

"I'm so sorry I left," Andrea spoke to her, giving her a quick hug before jumping in the back of the emergency vehicle. The whole way there, Andrea held tightly onto Simon's hand and whispered numerous 'I love you's in his ear.


Once at the hospital, they sprinted out of the ambulance and pushed him crazily through the halls as Andrea jogged heavily to keep up.

"You can't come any further," a male nurse spoke, holding onto Andrea's body to stop her.

"No, I need to be by him," she cries out.

"Just sit in the waiting room and we'll come out and tell you how he's doing," the nurse informs.

"No," Andrea whispers, still trying to break free.

"Ma'am, do I have to escort you out?" the nurse threatens. Andrea stops, standing straight on her feet and looking dead in the nurse's eyes.

"You tell me anything you know the second you find out," she grumbles, moving slowly to fall into a chair in the waiting room, where kids of all ages, people of all kinds, relatives, wives, and husbands, all sat anxiously with her.

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