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a couple weeks later

"Josh, no," I responded, panic rising in my voice. I shook my head as I bit the nail of my thumb. "I'm not going."

"They haven't seen you in ages, Andrea," he sighed.

"Like they miss me," I lightly cackle, continuing to pace the floor of my bedroom.

"I already got a plane ticket for you." I snap my head toward him, my eyebrows raising. "You need to see mum and dad, whether you like it or not." And with that, he strutted off.

I was left with crazy thoughts, thinking about the stuff they'd say to me once I stepped foot into their home.

With no motivation to do anything else, I dialed Simon. He always listened, he always cared. He even joined me in the club of not being a fan of my parents. He'd met them for God's sake, he knew of the things they called me.

"Hello?" his voice questioned, a bit groggy.

"I'm sorry, did I wake you?" I ask, feeling my gut sink with guilt.

"Yeah, but it's fine I gotta be up anyway. What's up?" He sounded so casual, making me desire that we could switch places. He handled my parents a lot better than I ever could.

"Josh is dragging me with him when he goes back home," I bluntly say. I heard his bed creak, and I assumed he had sat up in bed very quickly.

"When?" he asked first.

"We leave in two days," I reply. Simon sighs, groaning after.

"Its gonna be difficult to get a ticket," he grunts.

"You don't need to come with me," I chuckle.

"Yes, I do," he retorts.

"I mean, I'd love for you to come," I start, "but Josh won't allow it."

"Ask him. I'm on my way over." And with that, he hung up. I moaned, stomping out of my room and toward the living space.

"Simon's coming with us on this trip, right?" I question, Josh sighing as he mutes the TV.

"Why, Andrea?" I narrowed my eyes, Josh glancing away from my glare. "I'd have to ask mum and dad-"

"And that won't be hard because you're the obvious favorite," I snap. He rolls his eyes, walking off with his thumb pressing a few buttons on his phone.

I felt my stomach turn as I stood in the same place until I heard a few knocks on the door. Freya was feeling super ill, and wasn't expected to join us on this trip to our parents so I knew Josh wasn't too thrilled on possibly third wheeling.

When I opened the door, I was greeted by a pair of two oceanic eyes smiling at me just as the boy's mouth was.

"Josh is calling them," I inform him as I allow him past me. He stepped in, hands casually placed in his pockets as he glanced around the flat.

The bearded man came out of the bedroom that contained his sick girlfriend, handing his phone off to Simon. A worried look fell on his face as he pressed the screen against his cheek and aimlessly walked whilst listening to whatever my parents had to say.

In the end, they accepted my request to have Simon join us, leaving me to cackle and do a little dance.

I could conquer anything as long as Simon was right there beside me, so I looked forward to our little visit.

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