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This was the end of my first week back at the coffee shop. It felt nice to have a job again, my independent life coming back to me. I hated having to depend on my parents for money, as weird as that sounds.

It felt nice to have a normal week at my job, as well. Considering the reason I quit was because of an attempted robbery during my night shift, my boss was happy to have me back. She didn't think I'd come back after experiencing what I had- the end of the man's rifle meeting my cheek and being tied up with copious amounts of duct tape.

Simon wasn't too thrilled when I told him I was back at the coffee shop. In fact, he told me to quit and find somewhere else to work. But I reassured him, explaining how this time I'd be fine.

It was now Sunday, and I had the night shift for the first time in forever. My anxiety was through the roof, so I phoned my boss. I asked if I could invite someone to keep me company, since I was all alone. She happily allowed it, so I called Simon as quick as I could. He sped over in his new Tesla.


"Get off the counter," I giggle, swatting at him with a towel. He chuckles, jumping back onto his feet.

"So, how is it to be back?" he asks, picking through the jar of straws, making them all the same height once he was done playing with them.

"It's fun, actually," I smile. "We have a new girl I'm lucky enough to be training."

"Oh really? What's her name?" he questions, now flicking through the gift cards.

"Riley," I reply. "Sweetest girl ever." He nods, reading the little sayings on some of the cards. He sighs, setting them back down. He glanced around the store, then sets his focus on me.

"So, why do you need to be here? It's dead," he snickers, walking around the counter.

"Usually there will be a teenage girl who runs in here to use the Internet," I reply. Simon wraps his arms around my waist, and rocks us softly side to side. "Ya know," I say, placing my hands on his while cuddling into his back, "she comes here to edit and upload."

"She's a YouTuber?" he questions.

"Yup. I watch her videos before she posts them," I grin. "I give her constructive criticism, though she doesn't need any most of the time."

"What's her channel name?" he questions. I told him, a chuckle escaping his lips. "I'll check her out."

"Oh, she'd love that," I tease, twisting my body around in his arms. I throw my arms around him, returning his warm embrace. I rest my head on his chest, taking deep breaths. Having him here calmed my PTSD.

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