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"Alright, boys," JJ bellows, slamming his hands on the island counter in the kitchen. The Sidemen and their closest friends were gathered around it, waiting to know why they were there. "Joe has hurt someone very close to us, someone who doesn't deserve what happened to her at all." Simon's eyes watered, his hands gripping the chair that was in front of him.

"Joe? Sugg?" Callum questioned.

"Yes," Simon growls.

"Simon...?" Josh questions to him. Simon looked over at him, his face softening. Josh, Andrea's beloved brother and best friend, had no idea what was going on. And finding out would destroy him. Simon wrapped an arm around Josh's shoulders, letting him know he was there for him. Josh, knowing this, wrapped his arm around Simon's waist in return, repeating his gesture.

"We need to teach him a lesson. A lesson, that tells him that his harassment toward our friend is not okay," JJ demands.

"What'd he do?" Callux asks, scared to find out. They all were, especially with seeing how badly this angered JJ.

"He raped our good friend, and sister, Andrea," JJ responds. Simon feels Josh loosen his grip, falling to his knees. Simon falls with him, reassuring him they were going to teach Joe a harsh lesson.

"I want him to-" Josh hisses under his breath, but couldn't finish due to the tears flowing from his eyes and soft sobs escaping his lips. Simon embraces the bearded boy, also adding that Freya was watching over Andrea right now and taking her to the doctor.

"Let's have him rot in jail then," Tobi shouts. The boys all shout in agreement.

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