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"You going out tonight?" Andrea questioned as she held her phone between her cheek and shoulder, unable to stop smiling as her unofficial-boyfriend was on the other end.

"Yeah, Josh told me it's guys night out so I have to," Simon sighs. He really would rather just sit at home, invite Andrea over, and watch her read her book or even sleep, which the blonde was really lacking in. He had a feeling that if he were to get drunk, which he usually did when they went out, he'd do something stupid.

"Just be safe, okay?" Andrea softly asks. That's all she wanted. She trusted him enough and didn't feel it necessary to also beg for him to not cheat. That just wasn't Simon.

"I promise I will try my best," he replies, a smile plastered on his face as he continues to slowly pace the floor of his bedroom. "I'm apologizing right now for any drunk texts."

"You used to send them all the time, I'm kinda used to it." No she wasn't. He always confessed his undying love for her and complimented her on everything. It made her feel like she was on top of the world, and he always was treating her like she was the only girl in the world. That was when they were dating, thinking they'd end up marrying. But now they were at a completely different time, with different standards.

"Have fun reading, my little book worm," he teases.

"Have fun drinking, my little alcoholic," Andrea teases back. Simon scoffs, rolling his eyes. Andrea giggles.

"I am not an alcoholic," he grunts.

"Oh, you're not? But you have an AA meeting tomorrow that I signed you up for," Andrea snickers.

"You're so lucky you're cute because I'd knock your little teeth out," he coos.

"Even if I was the ugliest person alive, you would never lay a finger on me," Andrea argues, mocking his tone.

"You're right," Simon chuckles. "Am I really an alcoholic?"

"No, Si, I was just pulling your leg," Andrea replies. "I need to tend to my book so..."

"I'll see ya tomorrow?" he questions, hopeful.

"Maybe." Andrea bit her lip. She always loved to use this response, knowing that it always annoyed Simon because he needed a straight answer.

"Okay, that's yes," Simon retorts.

"Whatever you want, Minter," Andrea sighs happily. "Stay safe, don't drink too much, and try not to cause another bar fight."

"Some prick took my phone and proceeded to wank to my lock screen," he argues, referring to a time when they were dating. Basically, he'd gone out, got drunk, some dude took his phone, gawked at his lock screen which was a candid of Andrea, angering Simon to the point of making things violent.

"I'm hot, I can't help it," Andrea teases.

"Hey, lover boy, lets go!" Andrea hears Jide shout in the background.

"Tell the boys I say hi," Andrea giggles. "Bye."

"Bye, love you." It didn't occur to Simon nor Andrea until after the call ended what he had just said. He hadn't said those words, besides to family, in four-ish years. How could it still be a habit of his? Andrea didn't ponder on it further, craving a good read as she sat on her giant bean bag by the floor-to-ceiling window, where the sunset illuminated the pages of her book, giving her good lighting.

Simon, too, forced the embarrassment out of his mind and body so he could have a fun night out on the town with his friends. He wasn't letting a couple of words ruin his party mood.


At two in the morning, Andrea woke up to a call from her brother. She groaned, picking it up. She had it on speaker phone so she could set it on her bed, saving her energy.

"Simon- quick- blood," Josh breathes out, the call ending. Andrea's eyes pried open, her heart racing instantly. Her palms began to sweat as she quickly sat up and raced to her entryway, pushing on a pair of tennis shoes. While she did so, she called her brother back.

"Where are you guys?" she asked in a loud volume.

"Just us- old bar." She hung up this time, already knowing how to get to said bar and thankfully could sprint there faster than getting in her car and waiting for it to warm up so she could speed off to find the two.


"Si!" she screamed out as she fell to her knees by his side. He was crying, but not sobbing. He seemed to be in pain, but not much. "Where are you bleeding?" she questioned. He held up his hand, where a long slash dove into his palm. "How did this happen?" she asks, examining it.

"I-I don't know," Simon chokes out. Andrea looks into his eyes, feeling a tug at her heart.

"I don't even know if I can take you to the hospital, you're so goddamn wasted," she hisses under her breath, trying to conjure up a plan. "Fuck," she whispers as she notices the blood is only oozing out faster. She takes her black t-shirt off, now only in a sports bra, and wraps the fabric tightly around his hand.

"Do you need my jacket?" Simon slurs. Andrea couldn't help but stop for a second to admire him. Even in a more-than-drunk state, he cared the same, maybe more, about her.

"I'm fine, Si. I'll steal Josh's." On cue, Josh slips his off, handing it to her. She flicks it on, then helps Simon stand. "It isn't deep," she informs him, wiping under his eyes while she talked, "so I can probably fix you up at home."

"Home," Simon mumbles, smiling. It felt so good to hear her say that.

"Who drove?" Andrea asked the two, both shrugging. "Are you kidding me," she huffs.

"Oh, I did," Josh exclaims, handing her his keys sloppily.

"You guys want another shot before we leave?" she angrily spits. She was so upset with them for not designating someone to stay sober so they could take care of the others. But she understood, they all just wanted to have fun.

Both actually were going to say yes, but Andrea stopped them and tugged them to Josh's car.

"If I could, I would spank you both," she remarks. The two boys giggle.

"Kinky," Simon mumbles. Andrea rolls her eyes, helping him into the car while Josh helps himself. Andrea buckles Simon, Josh struggling but eventually buckles himself.

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