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Andrea sprinted. She was racing to some place only her feet knew of, her mind pounding nails into her skull with each step. Her lungs screamed, on fire from the lack of proper oxygen. This life felt unreal, it had to have been. Maybe this was all a dream. Surely, yes- she had to wake up eventually. If she didn't, that means that she really did just wake up in Joe Sugg's bed, naked and alone.


She burst into tears before she could even knock on the door. Her fists slammed against the wood several times each, a scream even erupting from her throat.

"Andrea?" Vik questioned, rubbing his eyes. They widen, his hands pulling her inside, "What's happened? Are you alright?"

"Vik, please pinch me," she sobbed. "This all has to be a dream."

"Andrea, calm down," Vik softly retorts. "What's happened?" he questions again, repeating it slower this time.

"Vik," she whimpers, embracing her body in a tight hug. She squeezed her bones until they couldn't bear it, then she released her deathly grip, still wrapping her arms around her own stomach. "I think I'm gonna be sick," she mumbles.

"I'll get Simon," Vik responds quickly, running off to find the mentioned boy. Andrea's head had never felt so lost, her body never felt so uncomfortable. She ached for everything to be untrue.

"Drea?" Simon calls out, running down the stairs and into the living room. Andrea stands, quickly hugging Simon. He presses a hand to the back of her head, pushing it into his chest as he kissed the top of it. "Are you okay?" he asks.

"I-I don't know what's happened," Andrea choked out, scared that what she assumed happened was the truth. "Simon, I'm horrified," Andrea sobbed into his chest.

"Andrea, love, what's wrong?" he questions firmly, pushing her away from his body. He holds her arms-length away and looks dead into her eyes. He couldn't read the exact emotions she was feeling right this moment, but they weren't good ones. "Babe, speak to me. I need to know what's upset you."

"It can't be true," Andrea whispered, wanting to not have to say what she thinks occurred. Would Simon think she cheated on him?

"Drea, please," Simon whimpers, sitting them both down.

"I-I shouldn't have given Joe the benefit of the doubt..." Andrea's voice trails off. It felt like everything in her life had taken a wrong turn. She just wanted to scream in Joe's face and punch him several times.

"Drea, what'd he do?" Simon asks, feeling a lump form in his throat. He tried to recall the events that happened last night, but he was so hammered it was all a blur.

"Re-remember when Joe offered me a drink?" she quizzes, not looking at Simon in the eyes but at his lap instead. "And th-then I wanted to leave... and he suggested he drive me ho-home because you were plastered and Freya and Josh weren't going home anytime soon...?" Andrea couldn't take it anymore. Couldn't he just figure out what happened and stop asking questions?

"Drea, what are you trying to say?" Simon questions, fearing the inevitable.

"I-I think..." Andrea's throat collapsed on her, and she fell onto Simon, sobbing her eyes out once again. She couldn't admit it, but what happened was very real.

Simon felt his heart drop, his fingers running through Andrea's hair gingerly, trailing down to her back and giving her a light scratch. She shivered, as if a cold breeze had blown over her, and then sat up slowly. Simon scooted close to her, held her head in his hands, and dried her face with his thumbs. He softly smiled at her, and kissed her forehead. "You're going to be okay. I'm here for you, always and forever," he whispered before removing his lips from her skin.

"Simon... I'm sorry-"

"Why are you apologizing?" he asks, rubbing his thumb against her cheek softly. With no intention to, her head tilted into his hand and her eyes shut, a small smile flashing on her face. But it falls once she remembers.

"I-I didn't- I don't- I couldn't-"

"Andrea," he interjects. "Breathe." She takes three deep breaths. In. Out. In. Out. In... Out. Then, she readjusts herself so she's a bit more comfortable, and begins talking.

"Last night, I drank a Vodka mix Joe had given me," she starts, "and I'm pretty sure it was drugged." Simon felt his heart stop. "He offered to take me home... but I didn't wake up in my own bed this morning." His palms, forehead, and back began to sweat. "And when I woke up... I was naked and alone." His fists clench together, his jaw clamping shut as tight as he could push it. "Do you get what I'm saying?"

"Yes," he responds through gritted teeth.

"I'm so very sorry I let that happen-"

"No," Simon shouts, interrupting her. "Why should you be the one apologizing?"

"Because I feel like I cheated on you-"

"No, honey, Joe ra- took advantage of you," he explains. "While you were basically unconscious, may I add."

"But I just feel so bad I didn't tell you about him before-"

"Before?" he exclaims. Andrea bit her lip and shut her eyes.

"He's been all over me since I met him," she mutters. "This is the first time he's done something physical to me- besides, like, poking me or slapping me in the butt-"

"Did he do all of this while we were dating?" he questions. His anger was only increasing, which made Andrea feel very small and vulnerable. He looked like he could swing at anything or anybody right now.

"Yes," she whispered. Simon was quick to stand on his feet, storming out of the house. Andrea ran out after him, pulling on his wrist. She held her hands on the back of his neck, pulling his forehead to hers. "He isn't worth it."

She knew what would happen if she'd let him go to Joe's. He'd get a couple punches in, but Joe was feisty, and more muscular- Simon, unfortunately, had no chance of walking out of their fight without major injuries.

"I love you," she whispers. Simon's stomach leaped, butterflies bubbling in his organs. Without second thinking it, he places his cold lips to hers, instantly warming them up.

"I love you more."

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